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Remote Sensing Science (RSS)
RSS-19: Variation in Radiometric Properties of the Boreal Forest Landscape as a Function of the Ecosystem Dynamics
P.I.(s): John R. Miller -- York University
Co-I(s): Ellsworth LeDrew -- Univ. of Waterloo; Norman O'Neill, Alain Royer -- Univ. de Sherbrooke; P. Teillet, Karl Staenz, R. Gauthier, R. Neville -- CCRS; A. Hollinger -- Canadian Space Agency
Objectives: An airborne Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) were used to generate reflectance images (1km swath) on up to 8 dates spanning the Feb. to Sept. 1994 period. This database will be used along with AVIRIS, MEIS-II, SSM/I, Landsat and SPOT to determine:
- image-based methods to obtain surface reflectances from airborne optical imagery
- the effect of temporal/spatial variability of site albedos of the boreal forest in the winter-spring transition on the use of such data in numerical climate simulation models
- the utility of the area and spectral properties of beaver ponds for spatial scaling of measured trace gas emissions
- the role of seasonal changes in understory components to changes in reflectance of open boreal canopies
- the seasonal/temporal variation in closed canopy reflectance as a function of canopy architecture, species composition, canopy biophysical parameters of LAI and biomass, and phenologic development and chemistry of foliar components.
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RSS-19 Pictures
The Ontario/York University Chieftain
RSS-19 Data Sets
Reflectance Spectra
CASI Level-1b images
CASI Level-2 images
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RSS-19 BOREAS Operations 1994
CASI Airborne Data Collection:
- Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data collection for all five 1994 field campaigns - 36 flight days, 228.1 image collection hours.
- 4 CASI operating modes and 12 different mission plans to meet the scientific objectives of the RSS-19 group and collaborators -- 459 mission flights (i.e. image acquisitions over a specific target with a specific sensor configuration).
CASI Missions | Location | Duration | Number of Flights | Processing Status | Access Status |
1. Multiview Canopy Bi-directional Reflectance | 10 flux towers NSA & SSA | all FFCs & IFCs | 57 | 0 | BG |
2. Canopy biochemistry - spectrometer mode | 10 flux towers NSA & SSA | all FFCs & IFCs | 37 | 0 1 | BG |
3a. Site Mapping @ 1675 m AGL - spatial mode | 10 flux towers NSA & SSA | all FFCs & IFCs | 48 | 0 1 | BG BG,BO* |
3b. Site Mapping @ 600 m AGL - spatial mode | 10 flux towers NSA & SSA | all FFCs & IFCs | 48 | 0 1 | BG |
4. Stem Mapping @ 150 or 300m AGL - CIR spatial mode | 10 flux towers NSA & SSA | all FFCs & IFCs | 28 | 0 1 | BG |
5. PAR and Spectral Albedo @ 150 m AGL- from up & down spectral irradiance | 10 flux towers NSA & SSA | all FFCs & IFCs | 53 | N | - |
6. Lake transects @ 1675 m | Wask & Candle Lake SSA | IFC 1, 2, & 3 | 10 | 0 1 | BG |
7. Beaver ponds | NSA | IFC 1, 2 & 3 | 9 | 0 1 | BG |
8. Auxiliary sites @ 1675 m AGL - spatial mode | NSA & SSA | all FFCs & IFCs | 135 | 0 1 | BG |
9. ET transects @ 2.5 km AGL | SSA <-> NSA | all FFCs & IFCs | 5 | N | - |
10. Snow Course lines | SSA & NSA • FFC-W | FFC-W | 37 | 0 1 | BG |
11. Agriculture Lines | PA to SSA | FFC-T and IFC 1,2 & 3 | 4 | 0 1 | BG |
12. Atmospheric Correction Methodology study - multi-altitude & flights over characterized ground targets | SSA | IFC-2 | 40 | 0 1 | BG |
N - not yet processed
0 - quick-look gifs
1 - at-sensor radiance
2 - at-sensor reflectance
3 - surface reflectance
BG - ISTS (RSS-19 WWW site at URL:
Field Data Collection Completed (analysis status as indicated):
Scientists associated with RSS-19 were at the BOREAS sites at all FFCs and IFCs. The field activities carried out are outlined in detail below.
A. Canopy Radiative Transfer input parameters:
- canopy architecture
- vectorization - to obtain the 3-D distribution of canopy elements and tree form i.e. branching structure, age, DBH, Ht, length of live crown:
- where: YJP - 4 trees; OJP: 3 trees; OA: 2 trees + 1m2 hazel
- data status: data processed for YJP (4 trees) and OJP (3 trees), ready for submission to BORIS. Documentation in progress. (Contact R. Landry, CCRS)
- site characterization - on detailed referenced grid (normally 50 x 60 m)
- X-Y location of trees, DBH,, Ht, live crown Ht & radius in cardinal directions, dominance class, understory cover (in 10 m x 10m subplots)
- where: - SSA: OA, OBS, OJP, YJP, 4 mixed OA/white spruce
NSA: OA, OBS, OJP, YJP, YA aux site
- data status: submitted to BORIS (Contact R. Fournier, TE-23)
- branch BRF: bidirectional spectral reflectance using spectrometer & goniometer (JPL)
- where: adjacent to sites OBS, OJP, OA
- data status: data processing in progress (but data not yet reached level suitable for submission )
- needle reflectance and transmittance (r,t) spectral properties, and shoot bi-directional reflectance
- where: YJP, OJP, OBS tower sites at the NSA & samples from SSA at each IFC
- data status: NSA needle r,t data processing completed, documentation in progress.
- understory mean spectral reflectance: seasonal variation from all 5 campaigns
- where: flux tower sites at both SSA and NSA
- data status: analysis complete, submitted to BORIS
- BRF of selected understory dominant components:
- IFC-2:- where: SSA: OJP, OBS ( moss & lichen) - some vis/NIR; some vis to SWIR
- IFC-3: - where: SSA & NSA (vis/NIR)
- data status: data processing in progress (but data not yet reached level suitable for submission )
- Tower-based canopy spectroradiometric signatures
- FFC-W: where - SSA-OJP - (sunlit & shadowed) component signatures 400 to 850 nm
- FFC-T & IFC-3: where - SSA & NSA - canopy BRF & endmember spectra
- data status: FFC-W data analysis complete
B. Atmospheric Correction Methodology Evaluation:
- BRF characterization of standard ground targets:
- where airport tarmac & canvas panels
- status: analysis in progress
- optical depth data collection
- IFC-2: - where - Prince Albert airport
- data status: analysis complete and rationalized through interchanges with OD data by Markham RSS- & Wrigley
- airborne spatial variability characterization
- - airborne zenith sky, global irradiance Spectron data SSA (collaboration with Wathall
- - Status: analysis in progress
- Atmospheric Correction Model Validation Intercomparison
- status: - internal report prepared on benchmark results for standard McClatchey
- atmosphere for 10 altitudes, including typical C-130, Chieftain & ER-2 altitudes
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Last Updated: October 28, 1997