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Remote Sensing Science (RSS)
RSS-6: Modeling and Remote Sensing of Radiant Energy Interactions and Physiological Functioning in a Boreal Ecosystem
P.I.(s): Darrel Williams, Ranga Myneni--NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Objectives: The objectives of this study are:
- to develop and validate a three-dimensional boreal forest canopy/atmosphere radiation model capable of simulating canopy reflectance, absorbance and atmospheric effects
- to develop and validate algorithms for estimating surface albedo, solar and photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by boreal forest canopies, solar radiation absorbed by the background and, boreal forest canopy photosynthetic and bulk conductance efficiencies from spectral, spatial and temporal patterns of surface radiance fields.
The physical problem is posed as a 3D radiative transfer equation (RTE), describing the interaction of photons in the atmosphere/vegetation medium, the solution of which is the remote spectral measurement. We are developing models of boreal forest community at the BOREAS experimental sites using fractals and computer graphics.
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Radiative Transfer Model (Myneni)
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Last Updated: October 21, 1997