P.I.(s): Eric A. Smith -- Florida State University
Collaborator: Harry Cooper, Gary B. Hodges, J. Jing -- F.S.U.
Objectives: Because surface net radiation is generally a main determinant of how the hydrometeorological system operates and how the phenology of a canopy functions, it is a fundamental observable for BOREAS. this project is designed to ensure the highest possible accuracy and precision of the net radiation measurements taken throughout and between the BOREAS sites, and is further designed to help resolve past discrepancies in net radiation measurements based on engineering design and material properties differences in various makes of net radiometers. This project will also assess how well current geosynchronous satellite algorithms, based on 2-channel GOES VIS-IR radiance inputs, can retrieve surface net radiation at a hierarchy of space and time scales. The main deliverables of this project will be a time sequence of inter-calibrated and objectively analyzed gridded net radiation fields throughout the BOREAS IFCs, and a set of scientific papers on
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i) Inter comparison of net radiation measurements
ii) Archiving GOES-7 imagery
iii) Application of Surface SW and LW algorithms using GOES-7 data
Types of Data:
GOES-7 full resolution VIS, IR and water vapor channel data for a 1024 by 1024 pixel image covering the NSA and the SSA. Net radiation measurements at all BOREAS AMS and TF sites in both NSA and SSA.
Summary of Times of Measurement:
Satellite data for 1994. Net radiation data for site visit periods.
Date | Study Area | Action | Site |
7/18/94 | SSA | Arrived | Saskatoon |
7/19/94 | SSA | Set-up | Saskatoon AMS |
7/19/94 | SSA | Set-up | Meadow Lake AMS |
7/20/94 | SSA | Operating | Meadow Lake AMS |
7/21/94 | SSA | Take-down | Meadow Lake AMS |
7/22/94 | SSA | Take-down | Saskatoon AMS |
7/22/94 | SSA | Set-up | SSA-OA |
7/22/94 | SSA | Set-up | PANP AMS |
7/23/94 | SSA | Set-up | SSA-OJP AMS |
7/24/94 | SSA | Take-down | SSA-OA |
7/24/94 | SSA | Take-down | SSA-OJP AMS |
7/24/94 | SSA | Take-down | PANP AMS |
7/25/94 | SSA | Set-up | SSA-Fen |
7/25/94 | SSA | Set-up | SSA-OBS |
7/25/94 | SSA | Set-up | SSA-YJP |
7/26/94 | SSA | Take-down | SSA-Fen |
7/27/94 | SSA | Set-up | La Ronge AMS |
7/27/94 | SSA | Take-down | SSA-OBS |
7/27/94 | SSA | Set-up | SSA-OJP |
7/27/94 | SSA | Set-up | SSA-YA |
7/28/94 | SSA | Operating | SSA-YA |
7/29/94 | SSA | Take-down | SSA-YA |
7/29/94 | SSA | Take-down | SSA-OJP |
7/30/94 | SSA | Take-down | La Ronge AMS |
7/30/94 | SSA | Set-up | The Pas AMS |
7/30/94 | SSA | Set-up | Flin Flon AMS |
7/31/94 | SSA | Operating | - |
8/1/94 | SSA | Take-down | Flin Flon AMS |
8/1/94 | NSA | Set-up | Thompson AMS |
8/2/94 | NSA | Set-up | NSA-Fen |
8/2/94 | NSA | Set-up | NSA-OBS |
8/3/94 | NSA | Take-down | NSA-FEN |
8/3/94 | NSA | Take-down | NSA-OBS |
8/4/94 | NSA | Set-up | NSA-YJP |
8/4/94 | NSA | Set-up | NSA-OJP |
8/4/94 | NSA | Set-up | Nelson House AMS |
8/4/94 | NSA | Take-down | Thompson AMS |
8/5/94 | NSA | Take-down | Nelson House AMS |
8/6/94 | NSA | Take-down | NSA-YJP |
8/6/94 | NSA | Set-up | Lynn Lake AMS |
8/7/94 | NSA | Set-up | Thompson Zoo |
8/7/94 | NSA | Take-down | LynnLake AMS |
8/8/94 | NSA | Take-down | NSA-OJP |
8/8/94 | NSA | Take-down | Thompson Zoo |
8/9/94 | SSA | Arrived | Prince Albert |
8/10/94 | SSA | Arrived | Saskatoon |
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Last Updated: October 27, 1997