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MODIS Collection 5 Land Product Subsets Web Service
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A newer version exists.

Click the DOI link in the following citation for the latest version (as of 2018-05-21):

ORNL DAAC. 2018. MODIS Collection 6 Land Product Subsets Web Service. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.


The MODIS subsets Web service provides data access capabilities for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Collection 5 subsets through standards based SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Web service. Through the Web service users can obtain data access functions to execute on their local computing resources. The functions available to users are listed in Table 2 below. The MODIS web service is built on ORNL DAAC's MODIS Global subsetting and visualization tool that provides customized subsets and visualization of MODIS land products (Table 1) for any land location on the globe.

With the Web service users can (1) retrieve land product subsets through command line operations, (2) download subsets directly into applications such as Python, Kepler, R, Perl, Matlab, and others, and integrate the subsets into client side workflows, (3) download subsets and write custom code to use the subsets in visualization, (4) download subsets and write custom code for data reformatting, and (5) do much more.

To aid users with setting up the Web service, example clients are provided for the following applications: Java, Perl, Python, Kepler, R, and Matlab.

Please refer to

Related MODIS Tools:

Companion File:

Data Citations:

Citing MODIS Land Products obtained via web service functions:

Citation Format

ORNL DAAC. 2008. MODIS Collection 5 Land Products Web Service. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed Month dd, yyyy. Subset obtained for [Product name] product at [Lat],[Lon], time period: [Start date] to [End date], and subset size: [Width] x [Height] km.

Citation Example:

ORNL DAAC. 2008. MODIS Collection 5 Land Product Subsets Web Service. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed July 24, 2008. Subset obtained for MOD13Q1 product at 35.9587N, 84.2874W, time period: 2000-02-18 to 2000-04-06, and subset size: 0.25 x 0.25 km.

When data for many products and sites are used, please cite the MODIS Web Service tool.

Citation Example:

ORNL DAAC. 2008. MODIS Collection 5 Land Product Subsets Web Service. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Accessed July 24, 2008. Products obtained using the MODIS Web Service tool.

Refer to Data Product Citation Guidelines for additional information.

Table of Contents:

1. Data Set Overview:

The MODIS subsets Web service provides data access capabilities for Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Collection 5subsets through standards based SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Web service. Through the Web service users can obtain data access functions to execute on their local computing resources. The functions available to users are listed in Table 2 below. The MODIS Web service is built on ORNL DAAC's MODIS Global subsetting and visualization tool that provides customized subsets and visualization of MODIS land products (Table 1) for any land location on the globe.

With the Web service users can (1) retrieve land product subsets through command line operations, (2) download subsets directly into applications such as Python, Kepler, Matlab, and others, and integrate the subsets into client side workflows, (3) download subsets and write custom code to use the subsets in visualization, (4) download subsets and write custom code for data reformatting, and (5) do much more.

2. Data Characteristics:

MODIS Products available from the ORNL DAAC:

The data products are from the MODIS instrument flown on both Terra and Aqua satellites. Terra products are available for the years 2000-present, and Aqua products are available from June 2002-present. They are available as 8-day, 16-day, and annual composite periods at 250-m, 500-m, or 1000-m resolution (depending on the product). Products are in sinusoidal projection. The data are provided in comma-separated (*.csv) format.

For additional information regarding the file formats, refer to


Table 1. MODIS Products available from the ORNL DAAC.

MODIS Product Description
MCD12Q1 MODIS Land Cover Type product-provides data characterizing five global land cover classification systems. In addition, it provides a land-cover type assessment, and quality-control information.
MCD43A4 MODIS/Terra+Aqua Nadir BRDF-adjusted reflectance16-Day L3 Global 500m SIN Grid V005
MOD09A1 MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance (SREF) 8-Day L3 Global 500m SIN Grid
MOD11A2 MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity (LST) 8-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MOD13Q1 MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices Vegetation indices; (NDVI/EVI) 16-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid
MOD15A2 Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) 8-Day Composite
MOD16A2 MODIS/Terra Evapotranspiration
MOD17A2_51 MODIS/Terra Gross Primary Production (GPP)
MOD17A3 MODIS/Terra Net Primary Production (NPP)
MYD09A1 MODIS/Aqua Surface Reflectance (SREF)
MYD11A2 MODIS/Aqua Land Surface Land surface temperature/Emissivity (LST)8-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MYD13Q1 MODIS/Aqua Vegetation Indices (NDVI/EVI) 16-Day L3 Global 1km SIN Grid
MYD15A2 MODIS/Aqua Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) 8 Day Composite

3. Data Application and Derivation:

MODIS subsets provide products to use for validation of models and remote-sensing products and to characterize field sites.

4. Quality Assessment:

The MODIS Land Science Team maintains a MODIS Land Quality Assessment site, MODIS Land Quality Assessment, referred to as MODLAND, which provides on a routine basis, and formally stored as product metadata and as per-pixel information, the results of the continuous quality assurance. These results are also placed on the Product Quality Web pages associated with the site.

5. Data Acquisition Materials and Methods:

Tools description

The MODIS Web service provides users with subsets of MODIS Land Products through standards based SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) Web service. Through the Web service users can access functions to execute on their machine. A list of functions available to users are provided in Table 2.

Table 2. Web Service Functions Available

Function (Example Request) Input Output
getproducts() NONE This returns the list of products available. Product shortname is used.
Example: MOD11A2, MOD13Q1, MOD09A1..
getbands("MOD13Q1") Product This returns the list of bands available for a product.
Example: 250m_16_days_NDVI,250m_16_days_EVI,..
getdates(40, -110, "MOD13Q1") Latitude, Longitude, Product This returns the list of composite dates available for the product, Latitude, Longitude combination.
Example: A2000065, A2000081, A2000097, A2000113....
getsubset(40, -110, "MOD13Q1", "250m_16_days_NDVI", "A2000065", "A20000081", 10, 10) Latitude,Longitude, Product, Band, MODIS Subset Start Date, MODIS Subset End Date, Km Above Below, Km Left Right This returns the subset in ASCII format for the location, product, band and date combination with detailed projection and band information.
Example: MOD13Q1.A2000065.h09v04.005.2008238050507.250m_16_days_NDVI, MOD13Q1, A2000065, Lat40.0Lon-110.0Samp21Line21, 2008238050507, 1177, 1164, 1116, 1198, 1256, 1226, 1177, 1154, 1267, 1348, 1277, 1345, 1411, 1341, 1278, 1217, 1232, 1244, 1262, ...
getsubsetorder(40.1, -110.2, "MOD13Q1", "", "data", "A2000065", "A20000081", 10, 10) Note: This function is in beta Latitude, Longitude, Product, Email ID, Order ID, MODIS Subset Start Date, MODIS Subset End Date, Km Above Below, Km Left Right This returns a Unique ID for the subset order.
Example: 24May2010_15:54:58_416294117L40.1L-110.2S81L81_MOD13Q1_data


Subsetting steps

The MODIS Land Products are provided to the ORNL DAAC from the Land Processes DAAC (LP DAAC). When a subset data order is placed, customized HDF tools are used to create subsets of MODIS Land Products. Data are mosaiced as necessary. The "hdp" tool from 'The HDF Group' is used for creating the subsets. The "hdp" tool has been customized to meet the subsetting requirements of ORNL DAAC's subsetting tool.

Web Service Set Up:

The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document for the MODIS Web service is based on WSDL version 1.1 and can be accessed from

To aid users with setting up the Web service, example clients are provided for the following applications: Java, Perl, Python, Kepler, R, and Matlab.

For example clients, please refer to

6. Data Access:

These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

MODIS Web Service

Contact for Data Center Access Information:

Telephone: +1 (865) 241-3952

7. References:

S.K. Santhana Vannan, R.B. Cook, J.Y. Pan, B.E. Wilson. A SOAP Web Service for accessing MODIS land product subsets (2011). Earth Science Informatics. DOI:10.1007/s12145-011-0079-2

S.K. Santhana Vannan, R.B. Cook, S.K. Holladay, L.M. Olsen, U. Dadi, B.E. Wilson. A Web-Based Subsetting Service for Regional Scale MODIS Land Products (2010). IEEE JSTARS, 2(4): 319–328