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LBA-ECO CD-08 Leaf Carbon, Nitrogen, LAI, and Isotope Data, Manaus, Brazil: 2001
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Revision Date: September 2, 2014


This data set provides measurements for carbon (C), nitrogen (N), leaf area index (LAI), and carbon isotope ratio data (13C and 14C) of leaves sampled at the Manaus ZF2 Jacaranda transect area, Amazonas, Brazil, in 2001. Leaf tips and the petioles from the youngest and oldest leaves from sampled branches for 9 different species were analyzed.

There is one  comma-delimited data file (.csv) with this data set.

Data Citation:

Cite this data set as follows:

Trumbore, S.E. 2014. LBA-ECO CD-08 Leaf Carbon, Nitrogen, LAI, and Isotope Data, Manaus, Brazil: 2001. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Implementation of the LBA Data and Publication Policy by Data Users:

The LBA Data and Publication Policy [] is in effect for a period of five (5) years from the date of archiving and should be followed by data users who have obtained LBA data sets from the ORNL DAAC. Users who download LBA data in the five years after data have been archived must contact the investigators who collected the data, per provisions 6 and 7 in the Policy.

This data set was archived in September 2014. Users who download the data between September 2014 and August 2019 must comply with the LBA Data and Publication Policy.

Data users should use the Investigator contact information in this document to communicate with the data provider.

Data users should use the Data Set Citation and other applicable references provided in this document to acknowledge use of the data.

Table of Contents:

1. Data Set Overview:

Project: LBA (Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in the Amazon)

Activity: LBA-ECO

LBA Science Component: Carbon Dynamics

Team ID: CD-08 (Trumbore / Camargo)

The investigators were Trumbore, Susan E.; Camargo, Plinio Barbosa de; Chambers, Jeffrey Q.; Felsemburgh, Cristina Aledi; Higuchi, Niro; Ishida, Francoise Yoko; Lara, Luciene L.S.; Martinelli, Luiz Antonio; Melo, Antonio Willian Flores de; Miranda, Erika; Moreira, Marcelo Zacharias; Perez, Tibisay Josefina Acosta; Pinto, Alberto C.M.; Rocha, Rosana; Santos, Guaciara dos; Santos, Joaquim dos; Selhorst, Diogo; Silva, Roseana P. da; Silveira, Vanessa P.; Suemitzu, Chieno; Teixeira, Liliane Martins; Telles, Everaldo de Carvalho Conceicao; Tribuzy, Edgard Siza and Vieira, Simone Aparecida. You may contact Trumbore, Susan E. ( and Camargo, Plinio Barbosa de (

LBA Data Set Inventory ID: CD08_Leaf_Isotopes_Manaus

This data set provides measurements for carbon (C), nitrogen (N), leaf area index (LAI), and carbon isotope ratio data (13C and 14C) of leaves sampled at the Manaus ZF2 Jacaranda transect area, Amazonas, Brazil, in 2001. Leaf tips and the petioles from the youngest and oldest leaves from sampled branches for 9 different species were analyzed.


Related Data Sets (research performed at the same site and during same time period):

LBA-ECO CD-08 Tropical Forest Ecosystem Respiration, Manaus, Brazil

LBA-ECO CD-08 Radiocarbon Dating of Tree Ages in Amazonas, Acre, and Para in Brazil

2. Data Characteristics:

Data are provided in one comma-delimited (.csv) file: leaf_isotopes_manaus.csv

All samples were collected on August 8, 2001. Missing data are represented as -9999.

Column Column Heading Units/format Description
1 Site   Study site. All samples were taken at the Manaus ZF2 site (Manaus ZF2 transect).
3 Common_name Local name in Portugese
4 Genus   Genus of plant sampled
5 Family   Scientific family of plant sampled
6 Relative_age_leaf   Relative age of leaves based on position on the twig: Young leaves were taken from the tip and old leaves from the position farthest away from the tip
7 Subsample   Sample type: both leaf tip (Tip) and petiole (Stem) were sampled
8 Mean_leaf_area cm^2 Leaf area was measured by making photo copies of the leaves, cutting them out, weighing the cut-outs, and converting weight of the paper to area in cm^2
9 Std_dev_leaf_area cm^2 Standard deviation of the leaf area measurements in cm^2
10 Sample_count   Number of individual leaves used in calculating average and standard deviation for leaf area
11 N_concentration % Leaf nitrogen concentration measured by dry combustion using a Fisons elemental analyzer according to standard methods
12 C_concentration % Leaf carbon concentration measured by dry combustion using a Fisons elemental analyzer according to standard methods
13 CN_ratio   Mass based ratio of carbon to nitrogen concentrations
14 delta_13C per mil delta13C data are reported as [[13C/12C ratio of the sample divided by the 13C/12C of the PeeDee Belemnite standard] -1]*1000
15 Delta_14C per mil Measured using accelerator mass spectrometry with an overall accuracy of +/- 5 per mil. DELTA 14C data are reported as 14C/12C ratio of the sample divided by 0.95 times the 14C/12C of the Oxalic Acid standard

Example data records:

43,10,7,1.9,52.29,28,-33.43,91.55 Manaus_ZF2_transect,Lacre_Branco_da_Mata,Vismia,Clusiaceae,Old,Stem,
43,10,7,0.93,48.5,52,-33.12,98.2 Manaus_ZF2_transect,Maçaranduba,Manilkara,Sapotaceae,Young,Tip,

Site (Region) Westernmost Longitude Easternmost Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude Geodetic Datum
Amazonas (Manaus) - ZF2 km 34 (Amazonas (Manaus)) -60.20910 -60.00000 -2.50000 -2.60900 WGS-84

Time period:

Platform/Sensor/Parameters measured include:

3. Data Application and Derivation:

Biophysical parameters are components of the biosphere models used in climate simulation studies.

4. Quality Assessment:

None provided. 

5. Data Acquisition Materials and Methods:

Site description

This study was carried out in the ZF-2 Experimental Station of the National Institute for Research in the Amazon (INPA), approximately 90-km north of Manaus, the capital of Amazonas State, Brazil. The site is a dense terra-firme tropical moist forest, which dominates the Central Amazon landscape (Higuchi et al., 1997).


All samples were collected on August 8, 2001 at the Manaus ZF2 site (Manaus_ZF2_transect). Leaf tips and petioles (stem) were sampled. The relative age of leaves based on position on the twig are also reported. Young leaves were taken from the tip of the twig and old leaves from the end of the twig. Leaves were dried and stored until analysis at CENA.


Leaf area was measured by making photo copies of the leaves, cutting them out, weighing the cut-outs, and converting weight of the paper to area in cm^2.

Leaf carbon and nitrogen concentrations (%) were measured by dry combustion using a Fisons elemental analyzer according to standard methods.

Delta (lower case Greek Delta) 13C data are reported as [[13C/12C ratio of the sample divided by the 13C/12C of the PeeDee Belemnite standard] -1]*1000.

Delta (upper case Greek Delta)14C was measured using accelerator mass spectrometry with an overall accuracy of +/- 5 per mil. Delta (capital greek Delta) 14C data are reported as [[14C/12C ratio of the sample divided by 0.95 times the 14C/12C of the Oxalic Acid I standard, decay corrected to 1950] -1]*1000.

NOTE: For additional information on  13C and 14C isotope analysis, refer to Telles et al., 2011 and Trumbore 1993.

6. Data Access:

These data are available through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

Data Archive Center:

Contact for Data Center Access Information:

Telephone: +1 (865) 241-3952

7. References:

Higuchi. N., dos Santos, J., Ribeiro, R.J., Freitas, J.V., Vieira, G., Coic, A., Minette, L.J., 1997. Crescimento e Incremento de uma Floresta Amazonica de
Terra-Firme Manejada Experimentalmente. In: Biomassa de Nutrientes Florestais. INPA/ DFID, pp. 89-132.

Telles E.D.C., P.B. de Camargo, L.A. Martinelli, S.E. Trumbore, E.S. da Costa, J. Santos, N. Higuchi, R.C. Oliveira and D. Markewitz. 2011. LBA-ECO CD-08 Carbon Isotopes in Belowground Carbon Pools, Amazonas and Para, Brazil. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.  

Trumbore, S. (1993) Comparison of carbon dynamics in tropical and temperate soils using radiocarbon measurements, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 7, 275-290.