For LBA data archived at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, the Data and Publication Policy will be in effect for five years after the data have been archived. Users who download LBA data in the five years after data have been archived must contact the investigators who collected the data, per provisions 6 and 7 in the Policy (see below). Users who download LBA data after this five year period are not required to contact the investigator who collected the data.
Red indicates information revised June 2005
Approved by the LBA Science Steering Committee, May 13, 1998 Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
LBA data polices are guided by the fundamental principle that cooperation and synergism should be maximized in all LBA activities. To ensure that all LBA participants have access to data in a timely manner and that appropriate credit is given to the Investigators, there is a strong need for a definition of data policies that will be adopted by the entire LBA.
LBA data policies will guide data sharing, citation of data from other, investigators access to restricted data and promote the exchange of quality controlled / quality assured data. All LBA researchers must follow the national laws concerning export of all data gathered by foreign researchers of the various Amazonian countries, notably Brazil. The LBA home page and the project offices in Brazil can provide this information
LBA Data and Publication Policies
- Data generated by LBA will become public domain and will be permanently archived in Brazil. The LBA Data Information System (DIS) will provide tools for documenting, storing, searching and distributing these data.
- All LBA data should be available to all LBA researchers. Exceptions may be made in the case of raw or preliminary data, for which distribution can be restricted for a limited period of time.
- There will be no periods of exclusive rights to publish LBA results. Exceptions are possible for students where graduation requirements prohibit publication of results prior to acceptance of a thesis.
- Individual investigators may make their own data more widely available at any time. Outside investigators may be given access to this data as soon as the data have been submitted to the LBA DIS, with some prudent time period for quality control.
- Each LBA module is responsible for establishing time schedule for data exchange within the projects and data delivery to LBA DIS. The time limit for data delivery to LBA-DIS will be no more than one year.
- Data should be analyzed cooperatively by all scientists involved in obtaining them. Especially cooperation across disciplines and among South American, European and North American researchers should be encouraged. Publications resulting from work under LBA should be co-authored by all scientists who have participated substantially in the work, unless some participants choose not to be on the authors list. The same applies to presentations at meetings. Users of unpublished data should contact the data providers well in advance of producing and submitting a manuscript, in order to inform the providers of intended use. Special effort by each non-South American researcher should be put into integration of South American researchers in their work and in the publication of the results.
- Where data are used for modeling or integrating studies, the scientist collecting the data will be credited appropriately, either by co-authorship or by citation. The data collectors should be informed of publication plans well in advance of submission of a paper, given an opportunity to read the manuscript, and be offered co-authorship. In cases where data from other investigators are a minor contribution to a paper, the data should be referenced by a citation. Users of the data will always have to state the source of the data.
- Specific constraints for certain data sources (e.g. satellite products, global meteorological analysis, etc) may be subject to copyright restrictions which are more limiting than this LBA data policy. It is up to the LBA-OIC to take the first steps in making contacts with officials and institutions in order to prepare specific agreements that will allow LBA scientists to use the data.
- If conflicts do occur, they should be resolved at the level of the LBA modules.