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TE-5 BOREAS Operations 1994
- to determine the influence of vegetation on changes in the carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2.
- to determine the extent of recycling of CO2 within forest canopies.
- to determine the water sources used by different tree species within a growing season.
- to reconstruct past temporal patterns of leaf gas exchange (ratio of assimilation to stomatal conductance) using cellulose from tree rings.
Summary of Places and Times of Measurements:
Types of Data Collected:
- d13C and d18O of Atmospheric CO2 was collected over a diurnal period for each site during each IFC.
- Water Source Data: stem, leaf, soil and atmospheric water was collected at each site for each IFC.
- Leaf d13C was measured for the 10 most dominant species at each site.
- Meteorological and continuous CO2 data. Meteorological: 9m and 1m PPFD, 9m and 1m air Temperature, RH, 10 cm and 20 cm soil temperature. [CO2] at 9m, 3 m, 1 m, 0.5m, 0.25m, and 0.05m, over at least 24 hrs., usually more. Note: No RH data for NSA-OA IFC-3, due to rodent problems.
- Soil Data
- Soil Respiration Rates
- d13C and d18O of Respired Carbon
- d13C of Soil Carbon
- d18O of Soil Water
- Photosynthesis Data
- IFC-1, Daytime Diurnal data were collected at SSA-OBS, SSA-OJP, NSA-OJP and NSA-UBS.
- IFC-2, Daytime Diurnal data were collected at SSA-OJP, SSA-OBS, SSA-OA, NSA-OJP, NSA-UBS, and NSA-OA.
- Disks for Tree Ring analysis and d13C of Cellulose to accomplish objective 4. d13C of Cellulose will only be measured for trees at NSA-OJP and SSA-OJP.
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Last Updated: October 29, 1997