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The level-1a BOREAS GOES-7 image data was collected by Remote Sensing Science Team 14 (RSS-14) personnel at the Florida State University and processed to level-1a products by BORIS personnel. The primary objective for the GOES-7 images in 1994 was to collect visible, infrared (IR), and water vapor channel data covering the BOREAS region at a sufficiently high temporal frequency for subsequent use in analyzing weather events and deriving temporal surface radiation parameters and patterns that existed during the Focused and Intensive Field Campaigns (FFCs and IFCs). The transition and shifting of satellites from GOES-7 to GOES-8 in 1995 enabled good quality images to be acquired over the BOREAS region four times per day from January to June, giving a reasonable monitoring data set. The data cover the period of 01-January-1994 through 08-July-1995 with partial to complete coverage on the majority of the days. The data include three-bands with eight-bit pixel values. No major problems with the data have been identified.

A guide document which includes more information about this data set can be found at

Level-1a GOES-7 images and image documentation may be viewed and the image data files downloaded using a convenient ORNL DAAC viewer utility. Information presented includes counts of how many visible, infrared, and water vapor images are available for each day. The viewer also has links to the ORNL DAAC data pool directory and to another utility that will make a movie with daily GOES-7 Level-1a images.

ORNL DAAC maintains information on the entire BOREAS Project.

Data Citation

Cite this data set as follows:

Newcomer, J. A., D. Faysash, H. J. Cooper, and E. A. Smith. 1998. BOREAS RSS-14 GOES-7 Level-1a Visible, Infrared, and Water Vapor Images. Data set. Available on-line [] from Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.


Sellers, P., F. Hall. 1994. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1994-3.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 94).

Sellers, P., F. Hall. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: Experiment Plan. Version 1996-2.0, NASA BOREAS Report (EXPLAN 96).

Sellers, P., F. Hall, and K.F. Huemmrich. 1996. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1994 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPSDOC 94).

Sellers, P., F. Hall, and K.F. Huemmrich. 1997. Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study: 1996 Operations. NASA BOREAS Report (OPSDOC 96).

Sellers, P., F. Hall, H. Margolis, B. Kelly, D. Baldocchi, G. den Hartog, J. Cihlar, M.G. Ryan, B. Goodison, P. Crill, K.J. Ranson, D. Lettenmaier, and D.E. Wickland. 1995. The boreal ecosystem-atmosphere study (BOREAS): an overview and early results from the 1994 field year. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 76(9):1549-1577.

Sellers, P., F. Hall. 1997. BOREAS Overview Paper. JGR Special Issue (in press).

Document Information:

07-Oct-1998 (data citation revised on 26-Sep-2002)

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