The BOREAS Information System
Trace Gas Biogeochemistry (TGB)
TGB-10: Measurement of Biogenic Hydrocarbon Fluxes and Surface Exchange Processes in a Boreal Forest
P.I.(s): Hal Westberg -- Washington State University
Co-I(s): Nick Hewitt -- Lancaster University
Objectives: The following variables were measured:
- biogenic hydrocarbon emission fluxes
- oxidant deposition rates (ozone & hydrogen peroxide)
- boundary layer exchange rates (via concentration gradient measurements and tracer studies)
- diurnal ambient concentration patterns of VOC's and oxidants
These data will be used to determine the role of biogenic hydrocarbon emissions with respect to carbon cycles in the boreal forest and to examine the atmospheric chemical fate of boreal biogenic emissions. Measurements of oxidant deposition rates will be used to investigate feedback mechanisms between atmospheric chemical cycles and forest dynamics.
Hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides in ambient air at the southern Prince Albert field site were measured during the July 19-August 8, 1994 second IFC. We plan to examine the hypothesis that VOC emissions from the biosphere contribute to peroxide formation in the atmosphere. We will collaborate closely with Dr. Hal Westburg, Washington State University, in this.
Location: SSA (some NSA)
Sites: young and old aspen, black spruce, pine.
Duration: August 1993, mostly IFCs 1994.
TGB-10 Pictures
CO2 chamber measurements at SSA-OJP
TGB-10 Data Sets
Tower NMHC
Tower O3/H2O2
Tower Peroxides
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Last Updated: November 5, 1997