International Scientific Conference
Amazon in Perspective
November 17—20, 2008
Studio 5, Av Rodrigo Otávio 555, Japiim
Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil
Dear colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the International Scientific Conference “Amazon in Perspective: Integrated Science for a Sustainable Future” from November 17-20, 2008, in Manaus, Amazon, Brazil.
The conference will call together current major research programs in the Amazon, including LBA (Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Project in the Amazon), GEOMA (Amazonian Environmental Modeling Network) and PPBio (Biodiversity Research Program). The focus of the conference will be to foment an active debate emphasizing synergy and cooperation and integration of research that will result in an interdisciplinary analysis of current and future scenarios of environmental changes in the Amazon.In disseminating the latest results on biodiversity, climate and land-use-cover research in the Amazon, as well as discussing and analyzing various scenarios of environment change caused by deforestation and climate change, we hope to identify new strategies and priorities, both for research planning for the region and for actions supporting sustainable development.A joint scientific committee is currently making an integrated effort to develop a comprehensive scientific program for the conference, which includes plenary, parallel sessions, thematic symposiums, round-tables, associated meetings and workshops. Those whom registered and submitted abstracts prior to April 20, 2008, do not need to do them again. However, should you wish to make any revisions, please see abstract submissions. To stimulate interactions and to foster new connections among participants, the conference will provide opportunities for informal exchanges of experiences, as well as offer a special dinner celebration. Everyone is welcome to attend and contribute to the Conference, as well as to propose and organize other activities during the meeting. Special attention will be given to activities aiming at bridging disciplinary frontiers and promoting integrated analysis and synthesis of current knowledge.We ask you to reserve this date in your agenda, as this event in Manaus will be an excellent opportunity to present and exchange results of research in the Amazon. ` LBA, GEOMA & PPBio Scientific Committee LBA - Mateus Batistella (EMBRAPA), Eric Davidson (WHRC), Paulo Artaxo (USP), Flávio Luizão (INPA) e John Melack (UCSB)
GEOMA – Leonardo Sá (MPEG), David Oren (MPEG) e Isabel Escada (INPE)
PPBio- Flávia Costa (INPA), Elisabeth Franklin (INPA), e Marlúcia Martins (MPEG)
Organizing Committee
LBA - Rita Mesquita (INPA), Antônio Manzi (LBA Central Office), Mercedes Bustamante (UNB), Laurindo Campos (INPA) e Luiz Horta (CPTEC)
GEOMA - Paulo Maurício Lima de Alencastro Graça (INPA)
PPBio - Célio Magalhães (INPA), Juliana Araújo (INPA), Bill Magnusson (INPA) e Fabrício Baccaro (INPA)