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Members of the LBA Community:

We wish to invite you to the III LBA Scientific Conference to be held July 27-29, 2004 at the Academia de Tênis, in Brasília, Brazil. (LBA web site) The purpose of this open meeting is to communicate your LBA science to other scientists, decision makers, and the public. You may wish to reserve time in your agenda before and after the conference for other LBA events. For example, LBA-ECO is planning its annual business meeting on July 30-31, 2004.

The scientific sessions at the meeting will follow the format established at the first and second LBA Scientific Conferences in Belém and Manaus. We will have invited plenary talks summarizing the current science of LBA. Volunteered talks and posters are being solicited from the LBA community and from other scientists with results relevant to LBA. Themes for special sessions are being solicited from all members of the scientific community. The main languages of the conference will be Portuguese and English and simultaneous translation for these languages will be offered in the plenary sessions. Abstracts in Spanish are also welcome.

We expect to publish a book and a CD of submitted abstracts. We will use the internet to maximize dissemination of our results in both poster and talk format.

We look forward to seeing you in Brasília,

The III LBA Scientific Conference Organizing Committee.

Paulo Artaxo
Mercedes Bustamante
Flavio Luizao
Michael Keller
Ima Vieira

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