E-Mail Aliases For the Science Teams
February 24, 1995
To: All BOREAS Investigators and Staff
From: Jeff Newcomer, BOREAS Information Scientist
[(301) 286-7858] [newcomer@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov]
Subject: General Information and E-mail Lists and Help Information
The data holdings on the system are growing and access to the data seems to be
going pretty smoothly. January was apparently a slow month with 29 logins, 42
data transfers, and 643.91 Kbytes of data transfered. February so far has
shown much more activity with 90 logins, 200 transfers, and 42.85 Mbytes
transfered. We have responded to several account creation and update requests
and worked with trouble areas to get over any humps that you may have had.
Please continue to contact Beth McCowan with your questions on data access
and availability.
Thanks to all of you who tolerated our E-mail list testing last week and for
the feedback we received. I received about 100 messages this past week from
the tests and have incorporated the changes. In performing the updates, I
noticed that several of you are included in multiple mail group lists. This
is not a problem, but this may result in you getting duplicate mailings at times.
The two purposes of this is letter are to notify you that the E-mail groups are
ready for your use and to provide you with some help information in using them.
I am sure that some further address revisions are needed, but we will update
them as they become known. If you have a system change, please let us know as
soon as possible so we can keep the lists current. The E-mail groups that have
been established include:
AFM - Addresses for all known BOREAS AFM participants
HYD - Addresses for all known BOREAS HYD participants
RSS - Addresses for all known BOREAS RSS participants
TE - Addresses for all known BOREAS TE participants
TF - Addresses for all known BOREAS TF participants
TGB - Addresses for all known BOREAS TGB participants
BOREAS_STAFF - Addresses for all GSFC BOREAS staff personnel
BORIS_STAFF - Addresses for all GSFC BORIS staff personnel
These groups can be augmented and updated as needed. One that we thought of but
have not implemented is an address list for all team and staff personnel. If
you think this should be set up, please let us know. An example mail session
You can access the mail facility by entering 'MAIL' at the prompt in the main
BORIS menu as shown below or from the DCL '$' prompt that appears when you exit
the main menu.
Enter one of the following at the prompt
BORIS Access to BOREAS Data and Software
BULL Read BOREAS bulletin boards
HELP Additional information on the commands
NAME Directory of BOREAS personnel
MAIL Send or receive email
Other Data Bases
ANON General Anonymous FTP site
FIFE Access FIFE data base
CCRS Access Canadian Global Change Data Base
SNF Access Superior National Forest Data Sets
EXIT Exit BOREAS Comm to DCL '$' prompt
LOGF End session and exit BOREAS
Some basic MAIL commands are listed below on the left
Type the command at the prompt
HELP -- Detailed help on all MAIL commands
DIR -- List the messages in the current folder
DIR/FOLDER -- List your folders
READ n -- Read message number n in the current folder
SEND -- Write and send a message
FORWARD -- Forward current message to another person or address.
REPLY -- Reply to message that was just read.
MOVE -- Move messages to a new or existing folder.
DELETE -- Delete messages from folder.
%DCL-S-SPAWNED, process NEWCO_BMAIL spawned
%DCL-S-ATTACHED, terminal now attached to process NEWCO_BMAIL
If you enter the \ here, do not enter an additional carriage return. The \ is
interpreted immediately and sends you to the main menu.
Sending a message to an existing mailing group is as follows:
Enter SEND at the mail prompt.
Enter one of the mail group names at the To: prompt (TF in this case).
Enter your Subject at the Subj: prompt
Enter your message.
Enter Control-Z to end and send message.
To: TF
Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, or CTRL/C to quit:
This is an example of sending a message using the established mail lists.
Jeff Newcomer
EXIT (from entering Control-Z)
Sending a message to one or more people not in an established email group.
The trick here is specifying the proper syntax of Internet addresses to the VAX
system which uses DECNet as a base. Note that each internet address needs to be
preceded by the SMTP% characters and the address itself must be enclosed in a
pair of double quotation marks "" as shown.
Enter SEND at the mail prompt.
Enter the email address(es).
Enter your Subject at the SUBJECT prompt
Enter your message.
Enter Control-Z to end and send message.
To: SMTP%"newcomer@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov", SMTP%"fred@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov"
Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, or CTRL/C to quit:
This is an example of sending a message to a list of individuals.
Jeff Newcomer
EXIT (from entering Control-Z)
Sending an existing file.
The trick here is to specify the name of the file in the SEND command as shown.
Note that when you send an existing file, the mail system does not prompt you
to enter a message of your own after the SUBJECT line.
Enter SEND 'filename' at the mail prompt.
Enter the email address(es) or email group name.
Enter your Subject at the SUBJECT prompt
To: smtp%"newcomer@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov"
Subj: Example of sending a file via mail
To leave the mail subsystem and get back to the main menu, enter EXIT or \.
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Last Updated: January 3, 1996