Digital Document Distribution
December 8, 1995
To: All BOREAS Investigators and Staff
From: Jeff Newcomer, BOREAS Information Scientist
[(301) 286-7858] []
Subject: Late Breaking Information/Updates from BORIS
In order to keep our computer systems running as needed and to maximize your
access to the data, BORIS is implementing a regular time for system
administration activities. Every Monday AM from 0800 to 1200 (Eastern Standard
Time) has been designated for system administration activities. During this
period of time, the BOREAS.GSFC.NASA.GOV system (through which you are getting
data) may be inaccessible. We do not anticipate the system to be down every
Monday; however, if you try to make a connection during that time and are not
able to do so, it is possible that system administration work is underway.
BORIS has added a 'What's New' page on the WWW set up. We will be using the
page to post new data additions, changes to existing data, reported problems
with data, etc. Please consult this regularly for up-to-date information.
This is a reminder to send any e-mail address changes (yours or for other BOREAS
people) to Laura Blasingame (
We have completed the transfer of data access and user accounts from the
BORIS.GSFC.NASA.GOV system to the BOREAS.GSFC.NASA.GOV system. The change has
been very positive for BORIS and we are not aware of any significant user
problems from the changes. If you have any concerns or problems please let us
BORIS is actively working on the overall plans for georeferencing the various
image data sets. One of our concerns was the correlation between the ground
control points we had selected from existing 1:50,000 maps and the collected
GPS points. From our processing and comparisions over the SSA, we have seen
very good agreement between the map and the GPS locations (i.e., 30 m or less).
Based on these results, we have decided to use the map and GPS points together
for image registration purposes.
However, the correlation of the map and GPS points over the NSA is much worse.
Essentially, we have decided not to use the points we had previously selected
from the 1:50,000 maps and realize that we will need to reprocess the NSA
Landsat TM scenes for which we previously used map points. Based on the
efforts funded by CCRS this past August, we have a good set of 13 GPS locations
that are identifiable on Landsat TM and finer resolution images. However, the
majority of these points are located near Thompson which only gives us three
closely-located points to use in image registration when we have scenes from
path 34, row 21 which cover the western portion of the NSA. Before we consider
acquiring any additional GPS locations, we are requesting that you send BORIS
any good GPS location information you may have for locations in the western
part of the NSA that can be identified on a Landsat TM image. If you have any
location information like this, please contact Dave Knapp
(, 301-286-1424). We would appreciate getting this
information as soon as you can provide it.
As a precursor to the rather large 1994 Operations Document, we are going to
test distribution of the current set of White Papers in Adobe Acrobat format.
Current versions of the Acrobat Reader are available through FTP using the
BOREAS_PRE account on the BOREAS.GSFC.NASA.GOV system in the SOFTWARE directory
(check the "What's New" page for more information). After copying the White
Paper file and installing the Acrobat Reader, you should be able to browse and
print all the White Paper text and graphics. The single binary Acrobat file
containing the white papers (BOREAS_WHITE_PAPERS.PDF) is under the DOCUMENTS
directory. If this works as planned, we will also be producing the 1994
Operations Document as an Acrobat file for you to download and use as needed.
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Last Updated: December 21, 1995