Accelerated Canopy Chemistry Program (ACCP) Project/Campaign Document


TThe Accelerated Canopy Chemistry Program (ACCP) was charged to determine whether a sound theoretical and empirical basis existed for the estimation of nitrogen and lignin concentrations in ecosystem canopies from remote sensing data. Three streams of activity were initiated to meet this charge: 1) new field and remote sensing data acquisitions for well-characterized sites, 2) canopy-level radiosity and ray-tracing modeling, and 3) intercomparison of information extraction techniques. 1991-1992.

Table of Contents:

1. Project/Campaign Overview:

Name of Project/Campaign:

Accelerated Canopy Chemistry Program (ACCP)

Project/Campaign Introduction:

In the autumn of 1991, the High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (HIRIS) was de-selected for the EOS program. However, the EOS Investigator Working Group (IWG) had determined that the potential for high spectral resolution remote sensing to estimate nitrogen and lignin concentrations in vegetative canopies, and from these, rates of ecosystem function, was not addressed by other EOS instruments. So, the HIRIS Science Team used its remaining funding to clarify the scientific validity of this application forming the Accelerated Canopy Chemistry Program (ACCP).

Project/Campaign Mission Objectives:

The ACCP was charged to determine whether a sound theoretical and empirical basis existed for the estimation of nitrogen and lignin concentrations in ecosystem canopies from remote sensing data.


Canopy chemistry, remote sensing.

Geographic Region(s):

  • Harvard Forest, MA
  • Blackhawk Island, WI
  • Howland, ME
  • Gainesville, FL
  • Jasper Ridge, CA
  • Dunnigan, CA
  • Pleasant Grove, CA

Detailed Project/Campaign Description:

There were two major types of data collected, chemistry data and spectral data. The analysis techniques attempted to derive the measured chemistry data from the spectral data. Relationships were sought at three levels: the leaf level, the canopy level, and the plot level. A "canopy" is a group of seedlings of the same species that have been bunched together to replicate a real forest canopy on a small scale, and a "plot" is a naturally existing 40 meter x 40 meter area of a closed canopy forest. The chemical constituents of leaves that came from trees from either the canopies or the plots were measured using wet chemistry techniques. Spectra of wet and/or dry leaves were measured using the NIRS 6500 laboratory spectrometer. Spectra of the seedling canopies were collected using a field spectrometer, and spectra of the plots were taken using an airborne imaging spectrometer.

2. Data Availability:

Data Type(s):

  • leaf level chemistry
  • seedling canopy level chemistry
  • plot level chemistry
  • leaf spectra
  • seedling canopy spectra
  • plot spectra
  • seedling architecture

Input/Output Media:

All data files are available via FTP or CD-ROM.

Proprietary Status:

All ACCP data are non-proprietary.

3. Data Access:

Data Center Location:

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) is housed within the Environmental Sciences Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A.

Contact Information:

ORNL DAAC User Services
(865) 241-3952

Associated Costs:

Data are available to all researchers. There is no cost for data.

4. Principal Investigator Information:

This is a list of all PI's from the original and follow-on ACCP Team:
John Aber
Chris Borel
Roger Clark
Paul Curran
Jennifer Dungan
Siegfried Gerstl
Alex Goetz
Lee Johnson
Pamela Matson
Mary Martin
John Melack
Ranga Myneni
Susan Ustin
Carol Wessman
Barbara Yoder

5. Submitting Investigator Information:
Kathy Heidebrecht
University of Colorado
vc: 303-492-1866
fax: 303-492-5070

6. References:

On-line information is available from the following World Wide Web site:



8. List of Acronyms:

ACCP - Accelerated Canopy Chemistry Program
A more complete list of acronyms is available at For additional terms, see the EOSDIS list of acronyms at

9. Document Information:

Document Revision Date:
March 2, 1999

Document Review Date:

October 7, 2008

Document Curator:

Document URL:


Revision Date: Friday, 07-Mar-2025 15:34:46 EST