DATA PROVIDER DOCUMENTATION TEMPLATE Last updated January 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset Working Title: A short title to describe the "what, where, when" of your dataset. This title could be changed upon publication to meet the character limit. Summary: An overview of what the dataset provides, including important information about the project, data processing level, spatial and temporal coverages and resolutions, study area, and how the data were created (e.g., technique, model, platform, instrument, etc.). Additional information may be added by ORNL DAAC staff. ORNL DAAC staff will provide a summary statement about the file names and formats. Browse Image: An high-quality image (in PNG or JPG format) or recommended data file from which to create an image that helps describe the dataset. Image File Name: The file name of the browse image. Image Description: A description of the browse image, including the image source if applicable (e.g., the data file or publication from which it was derived). Investigators: Full name (as preferred for academic publications), email address, and ORCID ID for all authors. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DATASET OVERVIEW This section begins with a repeat of the Summary, but does not include the statement on file names and formats. ORNL DAAC staff will provide the statement about the associated project if applicable. Related Publication: Citations for research papers that describe or use the data, including DOIs. Related Datasets: Citations for related ORNL DAAC datasets, including DOIs. Acknowledgments: Who funded the investigation that acquired the data, including award numbers. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DATASET CHARACTERISTICS Spatial Coverage: Geographic region the dataset covers (e.g., state, territory, region, etc.). Spatial Resolution: Horizontal distance between measurements (e.g., point, 50 km, >10 degrees, etc.) and vertical height in the atmospheric column or depth in the soil (e.g., point, 1 m, >1 km, etc.). Temporal Coverage: Start and end dates and times encompassed by the dataset (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS to YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS). Use 00:00:00 for the start time to represent a full day, and use 23:59:59 for the end time to represent a full day. Temporal Resolution: Amount of time between measurements (e.g., <1 second, daily, annual, seasonal). Study Area: Bounding box of the spatial coverage in decimal degrees. ORNL DAAC staff will ensure that this matches the data during the quality assurance process. Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Keywords (optional): Provide keyword(s) relevant to the dataset Locations, Earth Science field, and measurement Platforms and Instruments (available at ORNL DAAC staff will provide a summary statement about the file names and formats. File Naming Convention: Describe the logic for how the data files were uniquely named. File names should contain only lower-case letters, numbers, and underscores, and no spaces or special characters. File Descriptions: Describe each data file (or groups of files), including units and special considerations. Also include explanations for supplemental files, code and scripts, and other materials for publication. Data File Properties: Describe the structure of the data files (e.g., dimensions, map projections, datum, scale factor, etc.) and data processing level (i.e., L2, L3, or L4). Data Details: Describe each variable and coded cell values. Use a table if necessary. Other Details: Provide any other important details to understand your data files, and define jargon, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION & DERIVATION Briefly describe the significance of dataset and how the data can be used. Often, this text comes from a closely related research paper. --------------------------------------------------------------------- QUALITY ASSESSMENT Provide the estimate of data uncertainty, biases, and how quality was assessed or controlled. Also detail known problems that limit data usage (e.g., sampling problems, blanks, known methodological limitations, etc.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA ACQUISITION, MATERIALS & METHODS Describe where and how the data were acquired and processed, similarities to closely related datasets, the intended use of the data, especially if the data were collected as part of a campaign. Give enough information so an informed user can determine if the data are usable for their application. Try to minimize text copied directly from other sources; instead, provide in-text citations., Images are permitted, but provide a image file name and description (including the source). --------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCES Provide a bibliography, including DOIs, for any literature or data products/services that are referenced in your documentation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DATASET REVISIONS If your data is an update to an existing dataset published at the ORNL DAAC, detail how the new data differ from what was previously published. ---------------------------------------------------------------------