Fechar Janela

Nocturnal Boundary Layer Patterns in Rondônia: Observational and Modeling Aspects

Rosa Maria Nascimento dos Santos, INPE/CPTEC, rosa_sto@yahoo.com (Apresentador)
Gilberto Fisch, CTA, gfisch@iae.cta.br
A. J. Dolman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, dola@geo.vu.nl
Maarten Johannes Waterloo, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, maarten.waterloo@geo.falw.vu.nl

The goal of this work is studying the dynamics and structure of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer in Amazônia, over forest and deforested areas (pasture) and determining their characteristics during the dry and wet seasons on that region, as well as its mainly development controlling mechanisms. To this end, have been used 2 data sets – for the dry and wet seasons – collected on 3 field sites (RM, Forest and FNS) located in Rondônia State. This study was carried out in two parts: an observational one, which describes the structure and evolution of NBL as observed in Rondônia during the two data collection periods; and a modeling one, in which the NBL characteristics are simulated by a numerical model trying to understand the controlling mechanism and processes its development. The result analyses pointed out that the NBL structure was better described during dry season when local effect are predominant and that during the wet season it is more difficult identifying behavior patterns in the NBL due to interaction occurring between local-scale atmospheric phenomena and the meso and large-scale one (which acting is more strength during the wet period). Furthermore, in general the transition forest-pasture area (RM) presented development patterns similar to the forest ones till 06 lt and on the transition times (late at afternoon and early morning – between 06 and 07 lt) these patterns were more similar to those found out on FNS. Has been also showed from modeling part analyses that the OSU-CAPS model represented NBL structure reasonable well, over the three simulation used sites, however it did not get to describe the jet origin mechanism (Blackadar’s mechanism).

Submetido por Rosa Maria Nascimento dos Santos em 07-ABR-2005

Tema Científico do LBA:  PC (Física do Clima)

Sessão:   PC-III: Camada limite planetária

ID do Resumo: 164

Fechar Janela