Latent and Sensible Heat Flux Height Variation Within and Above the Rebio Jaru Amazonian Rain Forest Canopy
Maria Betânia
Oliveira, INPA,
In this work we verify how the vertical sensible and latent heat fluxes change with height within and above the Amazonian rain forest canopy, under daytime and nighttime conditions. The data were measured in September, October and November 2002, during the dry-to-wet season RACCI campaign of the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA), in southwestern part of Amazonia region. Measurements were made at several different heights in a 60 meters micrometeorological tower located in the Biological Reserve of Jaru (10o 04´ S, 61o 56´ W), Brazil. We used the fast response sonic data of wind velocity and temperature measured and the fast response Kripton/Campbell higrometer data of air humidity simultaneously at three different heights at least, as of a) 62 m, 22 m and 5m; b) 62 m, 35 m and 22 m; and c) 62 m, 42 m and 38 m. The wind velocity components humidity and temperature data were decomposed into various frequency bands using biorthogonal wavelets and the covariances were computed in each of the bands to assess the scale variability of the heat fluxes at each level.
Submetido por Maria Betânia Leal de Oliveira em 25-MAR-2004