Fechar Janela

Is P band polarimetric Radar necessary or sufficient to create accurate maps as basis of a monitoring System for the Amazon Forest??

Marcela Jose Quinones, Wageningen University, quinones@science.uva.nl (Presenting)
Dirk Hoekman, Wageningen University, Dirk.Hoekman@wur.nl

A new polarimetric classification approach is used to evaluate the relevance of the P-band polarimetric SAR in the classification of AirSAR multifrequency polarimetric radar for the creation of landscape, land cover, flooding and biomass maps in the Colombian Amazon. Differences in wave penetration can explain the capacities of the different radar bands to map, forest structure, flooding and biomass i.e the information contained in C,L and P bands are necessary to create a landscape map, while the information contain on the P band only can be sufficient to create an accurate flooding map. Field data is used to calculate accuracy values for different maps in two study sites of the Colombian Amazon. Speckle levels and post processing of classified images is also taken into account. P band radar capabilities and restrictions will be discussed.

Submetido por Marcela Jose Quinones Fernandez em 18-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  LC (Mudanças dos Usos da Terra e da Vegetação)


Tipo de Apresentação:  Poster

ID do Resumo: 234

Fechar Janela