Fechar Janela

Integration Novelties: new thinking for Earth System modelling and climate adaptation and mitigation.

Sarah Cornell, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (HQ), s.cornell@uea.ac.uk (Presenting)
John Schellnhuber, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ UK, h.j.schellnhuber@uea.ac.uk

In the three years since its inception, the UK’s Tyndall Centre has become an internationally recognized source of high quality integrated climate-change research. Its aim is to shape the long-term strategic objectives of UK and international climate policy. With a deeply trans-disciplinary perspective, we engage new elements of society in the global environmental change debate, and advance the science of integration by developing and applying new methodologies for integrating climate-change related knowledge. Several of our key tasks present opportunities for mutual learning and discussion with the LBA programme: · The Interactive Integrated Assessment Process: recognizing the need for a two-way flow of information between wider society and the scientific community, Tyndall’s Community Integrated Assessment Model provides a distributed, flexible and modular interface. It links socio-economic models with models of the climate system to explore a wide range of impacts (e.g., health, hydrology, ecosystems, human vulnerability). · Local/Regional-scale assessment: admittedly, our Coastal Simulator does not address the ‘right’ ecosystem but it does demonstrate new methods for integrating diverse research outputs at the scale needed for many governance responses. · Research projects: for example - Evaluation of options for biosequestration of carbon; Clean Development Mechanism for sustainability; Regional GHG emission inventories; Contraction and Convergence; Advanced Terrestrial Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling; The role of nature conservation in mitigating climate change. Finally, as one of the founding partners in Europe’s Virtual Institute for Integrated Assessment (E?VIA), we are driving forward transnational integration science. E-VIA offers new and exciting scope to perform intercomparison, ensemble and distributed-modular studies. In addition to its scientific and agenda setting aims, there is outstanding scope for human capital development through exchanges, training and information channelling.

Submetido por Lorena Cordeiro Brewster em 02-ABR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  PC (Física do Clima)


Tipo de Apresentação:  Oral

ID do Resumo: 626

Fechar Janela