Fechar Janela

Hydraulic Slope of Negro and Solimões Rivers From Satellite Altimetry : Relationship With the Distribution of Erosion/Sedimentation Areas.

Seyler Frédérique, IRD, fseyler@lmtg.ups-tlse.fr (Presenting)
Calmant Stéphane, IRD, stephane.calmant@cnes.fr
Bonnet Marie-Paule, IRD, bonnet@lmtg.ups-tlse.fr
Marco Antonio de Oliveira, CPRM, gehite@ma.cprm.gov.br

We have processed available altimetry data that cross both rivers in order to calculate hydraulic slope at different stage, converting ellipsoid height to geoid height with respect to the static geoid delivered by the GRACE mission at a common. These data evidence various hydraulic step and changes in the curvature of the slope. For the confluence between Negro and Solimões, the altimetric data are compared to water levels computation using 1D St Venant equation constrained by water levels and discharges measured at two gauge stations that bracket the area. Besides, the correlation between theses changes in slope curvature and the geographical distribution of erosion/sedimentation areas along-strike and cross-strike the river is investigated, as well as the links between the hydrodynamic behaviour of the rivers and the known neo-tectonic features of the area.

Submetido por Seyler Frederique em 18-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  SH (Hidrologia e Química das Águas)

Tipo de Apresentação:  Poster

ID do Resumo: 177

Fechar Janela