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Controls on stream DOC flux and composition in the Amazon region, Tapajos national forest

Marc Gerald Kramer, NASA Ames / CSUMB, mkramer@mail.arc.nasa.gov (Presenting)
Christopher Potter, NASA, cpotter@mail.arc.nasa.gov
Raimundo Cosme de Oliveira Jr., Embrapa, cosme@cpatu.embrapa.br
Steven Klooster, NASA Ames/ CSUMB, sklooster@mail.arc.nasa.gov
Venessa Brooks, NASA Ames / CSUMB, vbrooks@mail.arc.nasa.gov

To improve predictive capabilities of water, carbon and nitrogen gas fluxes in the Amazon region, we are examining the influence of land cover, topography and soil on stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux and composition. Using 90-m SRTM digital elevation (DEM) data and land cover/land use maps derived from Landsat-TM we have selected several catchments in the Tapajos national forest drainage area with contrasting land use, topography, and soils. Field sampling of throughfall, lysimeter and stream water components will provide insight into flow path dynamics and a better understanding of the chemical nature of DOC under contrasting land use patterns. DOC samples will be characterized and compared using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). In addition to parameterizing model simulations of carbon and nitrogen dynamics, monitoring of DOC flux across select streams will be used for model validation.

Submetido por Marc Gerald Kramer em 25-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  SH (Hidrologia e Química das Águas)

Tipo de Apresentação:  Poster

ID do Resumo: 604

Fechar Janela