Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Litter Production Before and After Selective Logging in a Tropical Forest, Eastern Amazônia, Santarém-PA.
Figueira, Projeto LBA/Santarém-Pará (Bolsista CNPq/ RHAE), michela@lbaeco.com.br
Albert Dias de
Sousa, Projeto LBA/Santarém-Pará (Bolsista CNPq/ RHAE), albert@lbaeco.com.br
Maia, Projeto LBA/Santarém-Pará (Bolsista CNPq/ RHAE), augusto@lbaeco.com.br
Goulden, UCI, mgoulden@uci.edu
Miller, UCI, sdmiller@uci.edu
Ribeiro da
Rocha, IAG/USP, humberto@model.iag.usp.br
Menton, IPAM, marymenton@hotmail.com
Carbon and water fluxes over ecosystem depend on the canopy architecture and the amount and distribution of biomass. Not much is known about the relationship between the dynamics of biomass and atmospheric fluxes for tropical forests. A complicating factor is that the Brazilian National Forests, may be opened for exploration and logging, as little is known about the potential impacts arising from it. This work reports the temporal dynamics of litter production and leaf area index (LAI) over a primary tropical forest at the Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, before and after the selective logging of commercial species.Litter production before logging (September 2000 to July 2001) was 4,41 MgC ha-1, after logging (August 2001 to August 2002) was 3,96 MgC ha-1, which suggested a reduction of about 10%. The seasonality observed in the litter production was notable for having two maxima, a main one in July (at the end of wet season), and a secondary one in December (at the end of dry season), characterizing a bimodal distribution. Litterfall accumulated over a year before logging showed the LAI equal to 5,3 m2m-2, which was reduced to 4,4 m2m-2 in the year after logging. These values are lower than the maximum expected at the site (6,3 m2m-2). Both reductions in LAI and litter production are expected after the clearings opened during logging near the experimental area.
Submetido por Adelaine Michela Figueira em 18-MAR-2004
Tema Científico do LBA: CD (Armazenamento e Trocas de Carbono)