Fechar Janela

Modeling optimum temperature of leaves of canopy tree species in the Central Amazon

Edgard Siza Tribuzy, ESALQ/CENA/USP-INPA, estribuzy@yahoo.com.br (Presenting)
Jeffrey Quintim Chambers, University of Tulane, chambers@tulane.edu
Susan E. Trumbore, University of California - Irvine, setrumbo@uci.edu
Plínio Barbosa de Camargo, CENA, pcamargo@cena.usp.br
Cristina Aledi Felsemburgh, INPA, crisalefel@hotmail.com
Tatiane da Silva Reis, INPA, tatis_reis@hotmail.com
Niro Hguchi, INPA, niro@inpa.gov.br
Joaquim dos Santos, INPA, joca@inpa.gov.br

In this study we present the leaf photosynthetic responses to CO2 (Ci), temperature (T) and light (PAR) (A-Ci-T-PAR) curves for top in canopy trees within the Experimental Station of Tropical Forest (ZF-2) of National Institute of Amazon Research (INPA) at 70 km north of Manaus. Measurements were performed with the Licor photosynthesis system LI -6400. The optimum temperature (Topt) for photosynthesis was defined using the Farhquar’s model. The results have shown that mean value for the optimum temperature is 30.83 Celsius (oC), with a maximum of 36.64 oC and a lower of 25.45 oC. The stand variation for the analysis is 2,59.

Submetido por Edgard Siza Tribuzy em 17-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  CD (Armazenamento e Trocas de Carbono)

Tipo de Apresentação:  Poster

ID do Resumo: 131

Fechar Janela