Evaluation of Multi Sensor Satellite Data for Macrophyte Population Assessment at the Amazon Floodplain
Sanna, INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, thiago@ltid.inpe.br
Márcia Leão de Moraes
Novo, INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, evlyn@ltid.inpe.br
Lima, INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, andre@ltid.inpe.br
Wetland ecosystems nowadays have been attracting increasing attention from the scientific community, due to its peculiar ecological features, and specially to its function in the global carbon cycle. The Amazon river floodplain is one of the most extensive areas of wetlands in the planet, being responsible for significant contribution to the global methane flux to the atmosphere. Currently, the accomplishment of more accurate estimates of CH4 emission is limited by the uncertainties resulting from little knowledge concerning the sazonal and interanual dynamics of the flooded areas and its habitat types. It is known, however, that areas of macrophyte growth present some of the highest methane emission values. Considering the overwhelming dimensions of the water bodies in the Amazon floodplain, the use of remote sensing data is presented as the most adequate tool for the study of macrophytes communities dynamics. With the advent of new sensor systems, such as MODIS and CBERS, new possibilities arise for mapping of such Amazon floodplain habitats. The combined use multiple sensor images, in different spectral bands and with different characteristics represents a promising strategy for addressing those questions. The present study aims to assess the use of three optical remote sensing systems (TM, MODIS, CBERS) for the detection and monitoring of macrophyte population. Field observations and multivariate statistical analysis will be applied for determining the influence of main sensor parameters, such as spatial, temporal and spectral resolution, in the sensor abilty to differentiate macrophyte stands from diverse land cover types, and in estimating spatial and biophysical vegetation parameters.
Submetido por Thiago Sanna Freire Silva em 17-MAR-2004
Tema Científico do LBA: CD (Armazenamento e Trocas de Carbono)