Fechar Janela

Modeling Studies of Carbon Cycling at the Tapajos National Forest using the NASA-CASA Ecosystem Model

Steven Klooster, California State University Monterey Bay, sklooster@mail.arc.nasa.gov (Presenting)
Christopher Potter, NASA Ames Research Center, cpotter@mail.arc.nasa.gov
Raimundo Cosme de Oliveira Jr., Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belem, Para, cosme@cpatu.embrapa.br
Cláudio José Reis de Carvalho, Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belem, Para, carvalho.bel@terra.com.br
Marc Kramer, California State University Monterey Bay, mkramer@mail.arc.nasa.gov

The NASA-CASA model is being compared to measurements of energy, water, and carbon exchange at Tapajós National Forest (TNF) tower sites. Daily and monthly model estimates of plant water flux and soil water content, ecosystem productivity, biogeochemical processes, trace gas emissions, and net carbon sequestration are evaluated here for prediction errors and seasonal trends. High resolution (< 1-km) land cover images for 'footprint' areas of LBA tower sites are being used to define ecosystem model estimates and validation of predictions against measured tower fluxes of carbon and water exchange. Potential linkages to field measurements of aqueous carbon export from the TNF watershed are presented.

Submetido por Christopher S. Potter em 16-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  CD (Armazenamento e Trocas de Carbono)

Tipo de Apresentação:  Poster

ID do Resumo: 53

Fechar Janela