Fechar Janela

Variation of Aboveground Biomass in the Forest of Bananal Island, Tocantins State

Dariusz Kurzatkowski, Instituto Ecológica, Palmas-TO; LBA Tocantins, kurzatkowski@hotmail.com (Presenting)
Divaldo Rezende, Instituto Ecológica, Palmas-TO; LBA Tocantins, divaldoecologica@uol.com.br
Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha, IAG/USP, humberto@model.iag.usp.br
Erich Collicchio, UNITINS-AGRO, Palmas-TO, ecollicchio@uol.com.br
Rita da Mata Ribeiro, LBA- Escritório Regional, Palmas-TO, rmribeiro@ruralnet.com.br

ABSTRACT: Bananal Island is a region of great ecological importance in Brazil. The biomass in the tropical forest represents an important component of the global carbon budget. We installed 29 plots 50 x 50m (2500 m2), covering an area of 7.25 hectares of seasonal flooded forest and measured all trees with a diameter at breast height (DBH) greater than 6.3 cm. There were 7760 individual trees recorded with their scientific name, DBH and total height. We observed the flood level over a 3 year period and classified the study plots in to three flood level categories: low (0-0.5m), middle (0.5-1.5m) and high (>1.5m). We observed the variation of the forest structure and the aboveground biomass. We quantified the aboveground biomass and carbon stock. We compared the biomass stock in the forest of the Bananal Island region with another site in the Amazon. In the forest with the lowest flood level, the largest number of trees with DBH >35cm and height >20m were observed. The highest biomass stock (153,69 ton per ha) and carbon (76,85 ton per ha) was found in the low flooded forest. In the forest with the high flood level the biomass was found to be 14% lower than that of the low flooded forest. In all study areas the highest aboveground biomass was stocked by the trees with DBH of 15 to 20cm. The highest volumes of biomass for the different flooded level: low, middle and high were represent by Protium SP, Mouriri guainensis Aubl. and Alibertias sessilis Schuman respectively.

Submetido por Dariusz Kurzatkowski em 12-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  CD (Armazenamento e Trocas de Carbono)


Tipo de Apresentação:  Poster

ID do Resumo: 21

Fechar Janela