Fechar Janela

Social Change and Land Cover Change in Santarem, Para State, Brazil.

Alvaro de Oliveira D'Antona, ACT / Indiana University, adantona@indiana.edu
Corey Hayashi Hayashi, ACT / Indiana University, chayashi@indiana.edu (Presenting)

This poster focuses on analyzing the relationship between socioeconomic changes and land cover dynamics taking place in the Santarém region of the lower Amazon, state of Pará, Brazil. The Santarém region has a long history of economic phases starting with exportation of rubber during the end of the 19th century. Through time, small agriculture, cattle farms and logging industries have developed and co-existed. Currently, soybean agriculture, with the push of global market, has become a viable and expanding cash-crop in the region. Socio-economic phases, mechanization and urbanization are changing the landscape from a once rural, forested environment to a more urbanized, mosaic landscape, including large deforested areas. Land cover has significantly changed since colonization and has intensified between the 1970s till the present. These changes are multi-ended with variables such as demographic, aspects of migration; socioeconomic, farmers’ decision making process because of the agricultural industry; and property characteristics, aspects of their land concerning plot size, and utilization. The poster characterizes rate and degree of change in these variables and explores their inter-relationships. Data supporting this poster derives from survey-based fieldwork and multi-temporal spatial analysis carried out by a team of researchers at the Anthropological Center for Training and Research on Global Environmental Change (ACT) at Indiana University. During the summer of 2003, ACT researchers have collected approximately 450 household surveys on the relationships between socioeconomic and land cover changes. These surveys identify decision making processes concerning land use and characterizes the biophysical changes of the landscape. The poster presents socioeconomic and land cover changes compiled from the survey results. Emphasis will be placed on aspects of demographic, socio-economic, and property characteristics reflecting intriguing findings. These include both aggregation and fragmentation of farm-lots and increase rates of migration from rural to urban areas.

Submetido por Alvaro O D'Antona em 18-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  HD (Dimensões Humanas)

Tipo de Apresentação:  Poster

ID do Resumo: 317

Fechar Janela