Litter Quality of Agroforestry Systems in Central Amazonian
Silva, INPA,
Luizão, INPA,
The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of litter in agroforestry systems (AFs). The study was conducted at the EMBRAPA / CPAA field station in Manaus. AFs were established in parcels of 3000m2 and in three treatments: AS1, based on palm and fruit trees;AS2, based on fruit and timber trees; and ASP1, based on pastures and timber trees. An area of secondary vegetation of the same age as the AFs was also included as a control. Samples were collected four times: in the dry and rainy seasons and in the rainy-dry and drought-rainy transition periods. Litter with lengths less than 2cm were collected every 2m, using a 625cm2 wood square. The samples were composed of five sub-samples. The litter quality was calculated as the ratio between the polyphenol and the nutrient content. The nutrients analyzed include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese and zinc. High polyphenol:nutrient ratios indicate slow nutrient mineralization and vice-versa. In general, the area with secondary vegetation showed the largest polyphenol:nutrient ratios and AFs, the AS1 and ASP1 areas had better quality litter, with the smallest values polyphenol:Ca (8:1), polyphenol:Mg (9:1), polyphenol:Zn (8:1) and polyphenol:Mn (7:1) ratios. AS2 showed larger values in those ratios (9:1, 10:1, 9:1 and 8:1, respectively). These variations may be attributed to different specimen compositions of the AFs.