Fechar Janela

Introducing MOZART chemical mechanism into CATT-BRAMS: preliminary results

Karla Longo, CPTEC/INPE, longo@cptec.inpe.br (Presenting)
Saulo Ribeiro de Freitas, CPTEC/INPE, sfreitas@cptec.inpe.br
Leila Maria Merc� Albuquerque, CPTEC/INPE, leilamma@cptec.inpe.br
Pedro Leite Silva Dias, IAG-USP, CPTEC/INPE, pldsdias@master.iag.usp.br
Martin Schultz, MPI-Hamburg, martin.schultz@dkrz.de
Guy Brasseur, MPI-Hamburg, brasseur@dkrz.de

The chemical mechanism of MOZART (Model of OZone And Related chemical Traces) has been introduced into CATT-BRAMS (Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brasilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System). CATT-BRAMS is an on-line transport model fully consistent with the simulated atmospheric dynamics. The influence of convective transport by shallow and deep cumulus, wet and dry deposition, plume rise, the direct radiative effect of aerosols on the tracers' mass concentrations is accounted for. MOZART is a global chemical transport model designed to simulate the distribution of tropospheric ozone and its precursors, with a detailed chemical scheme for tropospheric ozone-nitrogen oxides-hydrocarbon chemistry, with 63 chemical species. Results of a first step off-line coupling will be shown. Furthermore, the progress of the fully coupled model development will be explored. This case study is based on data collected during the RACCI/SMOCC campaigns during the dry to wet 2002 season.

Submetido por Karla Maria Longo em 25-MAR-2004

Tema Cient�fico do LBA:  AC (Qu�mica da Atmosfera)

Tipo de Apresenta��o:  Poster

ID do Resumo: 567

Fechar Janela