Fechar Janela

Numerical Simulation of the Influence of the CCN Variability on the Cloud Microphysical Properties in Amazonia Basin During LBA/SMOCC 2002

João Bosco Verçosa Leal Jr., UECE, jblealjr@uece.br (Presenting)
Gerson Paiva Almeida, UECE, gerson@uece.br
Carlos Jacinto Oliveira, UECE, cjacinto@uece.br
Emerson Mariano Silva, UECE, emerson@uece.br
Francisco Geraldo de Melo Pinheiro, UECE, fgmpinheiro@uece.br

Organic compounds are ubiquitous aerosols constituents in the atmosphere and their origin can be attributed to many sources, especially to anthropogenic actions. Burn of biomass in tropical regions is well known to produce large amount of aerosols and give new uncertainties in the weather prediction. In this work we investigate the modification of large scale circulations over the Amazon basin during the LBA/SMOCC 2002, component dry-to-wet. The atmospheric model used in this study is a three-dimensional, cloud-resolving version of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). A parameterized microphysical scheme which include warm and ice phase distributed on seven categories is used. Different initial conditions are set to represent the wide range of observed cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations ranging to a very clean to a highly polluted case. Results show that the different CCN can modify the main features of cumulus microphysics observation, specially the water partitioning phases. In high polluted cases the mechanisms responsible of warm rain production are strongly suppressed, leading to an increasing iced rain processes initiation. The effects of the microphysical properties of these clouds on the atmospheric circulation are also evaluated.

Submetido por João Bosco Verçosa Leal Jr. em 24-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  AC (Química da Atmosfera)

Tipo de Apresentação:  Poster

ID do Resumo: 476

Fechar Janela