Maria Assução
Faus da
Silva Dias, USP e INPE,
The atmospheric mesoscale includes phenomena with scales from 10 to 1000 km and lifetimes of a few hours to a day. In such a wide time and length scales, subdivisions have been used like meso-alpha meso-beta and meso-gamma which feature different phenomena like, large convective systems, local circulations produced by regional deforestation, and individual clouds, respectively.
The Amazon region as observed by the several LBA campaigns has shown a wide variety of phenomena in all mesoscale categories and has proven to be both a challenge for modeling and a perfect test bed for exploring the relationships between the surface processes, including the effect of deforestation and biomass burning, and their impact on cloud, rainfall, and on local and regional transports of aerosol and trace gases.
Improvements on parameterizations of biosphere-atmosphere interactions and on convective cloud parameterizations that have been achieved within LBA will be presented and discussed.
Submetido por Maria Assunção Faus da Silva Dias em 18-MAR-2004