Fechar Janela

A Decade of Progress in Modeling the Hydroclimatology of the Amazon System

Marcos Heil Costa, UFV, mhcosta@ufv.br (Presenting)

In the last 10 years, we have seen a substantial progress in modeling both the atmospheric and surface components of the hydrological cycle of the Amazon system. The few studies published by 1994 can today be considered as initial studies that explored new research possibilities. Since then, these studies became increasingly sophisticated, addressing old and new questions and paying much more attention to details than before. In the past decade, progress has been related not only to more sophisticated models and increased model resolution, but also to better parameterizations used in the models – provided by field experiments like ABRACOS, HIBAM and LBA – as well as new remote sensing products that are used to either drive model simulations or validate model results. We review the historical perspectives of modeling the hydroclimatology of the Amazon system, discuss some of the ongoing research and proposed future questions that still need to be addressed.

Submetido por Marcos Costa em 08-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  PC (Física do Clima)


Tipo de Apresentação:  Oral

ID do Resumo: 8

Fechar Janela