Fechar Janela

Impact of Amazonian deforestation on the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere

Laurens Ganzeveld, Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, ganzevl@mpch-mainz.mpg.de (Presenting)
Lex Bouwman, RIVM, Bilthoven, Netherlands, lex.bouwman@rivm.nl
Bas Eickhout, RIVM, Bilthoven, Netherlands, bas.eickhout@rivm.nl
Patrick Joeckel, Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, joeckel@mpch-mainz.mpg.de
Jos Lelieveld, Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, lelieveld@mpch-mainz.mpg.de
Swen Metzger, Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, metzger@mpch-mainz.mpg.de
Rolf Sander, Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, sander@mpch-mainz.mpg.de
Meryem Tanarhte, Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany, tanarthe@mpch-mainz.mpg.de

The chemistry and climate model ECHAM explicitly simulates surface trace gas exchanges, interactively calculated with representations of dynamical and physical processes and land cover and land use properties. Analysis with a Single-Column Model (SCM) version of ECHAM has indicated that short-term (days) changes in the atmospheric oxidizing capacity due to Amazonian deforestation not only depend on changes in surface trace gas exchanges but in particular also on changes in vertical transport and cloud formation. The latter are strongly linked to the hydrological cycle in which soil moisture and surface energy partitioning play a crucial role. We apply the global chemistry-climate model ECHAM5/MESSy to extend the analysis of the Amazonian deforestation to the long-term (> 1 year), regional and global scale impact of Amazonian deforestation. In addition to long-term changes in surface exchanges, we studied the role of soil moisture, which responds on timescales > months, related to changes in the evapotranspiration, cloud formation and precipitation. Furthermore we assess the impact of land conversion-induced changes in the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere due to changes in advective transport.

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Submetido por Laurens Ganzeveld em 02-MAR-2004

Tema Científico do LBA:  AC (Química da Atmosfera)


Tipo de Apresentação:  Oral

ID do Resumo: 4

Fechar Janela