Although relatively few studies undertaken by LBA are directly related to agriculture (considered in a broad sense, including agriculture, livestock and forestry), a large proportion of the results achieved by this project is prone to be used in many senses and scales towards sustainable agriculture. Considering that agriculture is the most important driving force promoting land cover change in Amazonia, most of the LBA studies on biophysical and biogeochemical impacts of that change are potential information sources to support strategic and tactical actions associated with agriculture. Nevertheless, little effort has been pursued to integrate LBA results into an agricultural approach. An attempt is made to translate into an agricultural perspective results of studies covering issues associated to the LBA science themes, i.e. Physical Climate, Carbon Storage and Exchange, Biogeochemistry, Land Surface Hydrology and Water Chemistry, and Land Use and Land Cover. An effort to transform the information generated by LBA into environmental decisions is urgently needed considering that one goal of decision-making and planning institutions associated to agriculture ultimately desire to contribute to the reduction of deforestation and land degradation in Amazonia. A good example is the potential contribution of results generated by LBA on carbon balance components in different ecosystems and land uses to PROAMBIENTE, the recently created brazilian governmental program oriented to the socio-environmental development of family agriculture in Amazonia. Ultimately, as LBA already exhibits outstanding records in training & education in areas related to agriculture, this may also be considered as a very important and sustainable contribution of LBA to agriculture in Amazonia.