Terça-feira (Tuesday), 27/07/04 |
9:00 – 10:30 |
Plenária I - Sessão de Abertura (Plenary I – Opening Session) |
| Sala (Room): Auditório |
Coffee Break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Plenária II (Plenary II) |
Coordenador (Chair): Paulo Artaxo |
| Sala (Room): Auditório |
1.1 |
Interações entre Clima e Vegetação na Amazonia: Do Último Período Glacial até o Clima do Futuro
Overview of Climate-Vegetation Interactions in Amazonia: From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Climates of the Future
(Carlos A. Nobre) |
1.2 |
Desmatamento e Queimadas como os forçantes da Mudança Regional Climática na Amazônia
Deforestation and Biomass Burning as Drivers of Regional Climate Change in Amazônia
(Maria Assunção F. Silva Dias) |
1.3 |
Fumaça, Aerossóis, Nuvens, Chuva e Clima na Amazonia
Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rain and Climate
(Meinrat O. Andreae, Paulo Artaxo, Daniel Rosenfeld, M Assuncao Silva Dias, Alexandre A Costa, J C P Oliveira, Willy Maenhaut, Magda Claeys, Sandro Fuzzi, Erik Swietlick, Olga Mayol-Bracero, Luciana Vanni Gatti, Karla M Longo, Yinon Rudich) |
Almoço (Lunch)
14:00 – 16:00 |
Pôsteres (Posters) |
16:30 - 19:00 |
Sessões Paralelas I - Pesquisas em Destaque (RH) e Sessões Especiais (S) |
Parallel Sessions I - Research Highlights (RH) and Special Sessions (S) |
RH3: |
Pesquisas em Destaque: Usos da Terra e Dimensões Humanas
Research Highlights: Land Use and Human Dimensions |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Diogenes Alves, Emilio Moran |
| | | Sala (Room): Auditório |
2.1 |
Human Dimensions in LBA (Bertha K Becker, Diogenes S Alves, Eustaquio J Reis, Ima C Vieira, Mateus Batistella) |
2.2 |
A dimensão humana nos programas de pesquisa em Mudanças Gloabais: o caso LBA. (Tatiana Schor) |
2.3 |
Patterns of land cover change and land use intensification (Diogenes S Alves) |
2.4 |
Population Dynamics in the Amazonian Frontier: Scarcity of Labor and Fertility (Emilio Moran, Leah VanWey) |
2.5 |
Reconstructing landscape histories and land use trajectories in Eastern Amazônia: Social, demographic, and economic dimensions of deforestation in comparative, multi-level perspective (Eduardo Sonnewend Brondizio) |
2.6 |
Determinantes da Expansão da Pecuária Bovina na Região do Alto Rio Acre (Fabiano Toni) |
2.7 |
Why such a tremendous expansion of cattle ranching in the Amazon ? Discussion from a new research methodology (Jonas Bastos da Veiga, Marie Gabrielle Piketty, Jean François Tourrand, Pablo Pacheco) |
2.8 |
Landscape Fragmentation and Conservation in Rondônia: The Role of Settlers, Loggers, and Forest Peoples (Mateus Batistella) |
2.9 |
Agents of Deforestation (Eustáquio J. Reis, Diana Weinhold) |
2.10 |
Transportation Logistics and Endogenous Development in the Amazon (Bertha K Becker) |
S6: |
Variação dos Processos nos Ecossistemas Florestais da Amazônia
Variation of Forest Ecosystem Processes Across Amazonia |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Oliver Phillips, Yadvinder Malhi |
| | | Sala (Room): Amarelo |
3.1 |
Compositional Changes in Undisturbed Neotropical Forests and Their Implications for Carbon Dynamics (William F. Laurance, Richard Condit) |
3.2 |
Concerted Changes in Amazon Forest Dynamics (Oliver L Phillips, Simon L Lewis, Timothy R Baker, and 31 others) |
3.3 |
Spatial Variation of Forest Structure and Aboveground Biomass in Jaru Reserve, Rondonia, Brazil (Sassan S. Saatchi, Regina C. Dos Santos Alvala) |
3.4 |
Scaling Up Above Ground Live Biomass from Plot Data to Landscape in Amazon Basin (Sassan S. Saatchi) |
3.5 |
Carbon stocks and sequestration in above-ground wood biomass of Central Amazonian white-water floodplain forests (Jochen Schöngart, Florian Wittmann, Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade, Martin Worbes, Wolfgang Johannes Junk) |
3.6 |
Old paradigms grow up: tree species composition and forest productivity across Amazonia (Tim Baker, Oliver Phillips, Yadvinder Malhi, Samuel Almeida, Luzmilla Arroyo, Antony Di Fiore, Terry Erwin, Niro Higuchi, Timothy Killeen, Susan Laurance, William Laurance, Abel Monteagudo, David Neill, Percy Núñez Vargas, Nigel Pitman, Natalino Silva, Jon Lloyd) |
3.7 |
Seperating Genetic versus Environmental Effects on Amazon Forest Growth and Nutrient Uptake Characteristics (Jonathan James Lloyd, Tim Baker, Oliver L. Phillips, Samuel Soares Almeida, Luzmilla Arroyo, Niro Higuchi, Timothy Killeen, Susan Laurance, William F. Laurance, Abel Monteagudo, David Neill, Pecy Núñez Vargas, Nigel Pitman, Rafael Salomão, José Natalino Macedo Silva, Rodolfo Vásquez Martínez, Claudia Czimczik, Lina Maria Mercado, Carlos Alberto Quesada, Sandra Patiño, Yadvinder Singh Malhi) |
3.8 |
Modelling Spatial Patterns of Gross Primary Productivity in the Tapajós Region (Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz Aragão, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Mathew Williams) |
3.9 |
Canopy structure and nutrient productivity across the western Amazon (Sandra Patiño, Romilda Paiva, Mercado Lina, Horna Viviana, Schmerler Jens, Quesada Beto, Baker Tim, Phillips Oliver, Malhi Yadvinder, Lloyd Jon) |
3.10 |
Palestra cancelado. Talk has been cancelled. |
S9: |
Balanços de Água e Energia da Bacia Amazônica
Water and Energy and Balances of the Amazon Basin |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Edson Rocha, Jose Marengo |
| | | Sala (Room): Verde |
4.1 |
The evapotranspiration of the Amazon basin (David Werth, Natalia Hasler, Roni Avissar) |
4.2 |
Water and energy variation associated with the wet season onset over the Amazon (Wenhong Li, Rong Fu, Katia Fernandes) |
4.3 |
Activities of the GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel (GHP) (John Roads, Jose A. Marengo) |
4.4 |
Radiation Budgets in Support of LBA Hydrological Modeling (Rachel T Pinker, Banglin Zhang, Hiroko Kato, Juan C. Ceballos, Enio B. Pereira) |
4.5 |
Estimativas das Perdas por Interceptação Mediante Novo Método de Medição Desenvolvido e Aplicado em Floresta Não Perturbada na Amazonia Central (Luz Adriana Cuartas, Antonio Donato Nobre, Javier Tomasella, Martin Hodnett, Maarten Waterloo, Juan Camilo Múnera) |
4.6 |
Impact of Precipitation Assimilation on Climate Simulations over Brazil (Ana Nunes, John Roads, Masao Kanamitsu) |
4.7 |
Insights on modeling the hydrometeorology of the Amazon (Renato Ramos da Silva, Roni Avissar) |
4.8 |
Síntese de Quatro Anos de Medidas de Trocas de Energia e de gás Carbônico Acima de Floresta e Pastagem em Rondônia (Antonio Ocimar Manzi) |
4.9 |
The Isotopic Records of Andean Ice Cores, a Response of Precipitation Variability Over the Amazon Basin (Edson Ramirez) |
4.10 |
Integration Novelties: new thinking for Earth System modelling and climate adaptation and mitigation. (Sarah Cornell, John Schellnhuber) |
S10: |
Respostas Ecofisiológicas e Bioquímicas das Plantas Tropicais à Elevação da Concentração de CO2
Ecophysiological and Biochemical Responses of Tropical Plants to Elevated CO2 |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Carlos Prado, Marcos Buckeridge |
| | | Sala (Room): Brasília |
5.1 |
Photosynthesis and water use efficiency in twenty tropical tree species of differing successional status in a Brazilian reforestation (Carlos Alberto Martinez, Anselmo Nogueira, Leonnardo Ferreira, Carlos Henrique Prado) |
5.2 |
Effects of air temperature and transitory CO2 availability on carbon assimilation in tropical woody species Swietenia macrophylla King, and Copaifera langsdorffi Desf. (Carlos Prado, Zhang Chengjun, Leonnardo Lopes Ferreira) |
5.3 |
Ecophysiology of Tree Species of the Tropical Rain Forest Under Enriched CO2 Atmosphere: A Successional Approach Using Different Functional Groups Among the Leguminosae (João R.L. Godoy, Marcos P.M. Aidar, Mauro Marabesi, Marcos S. Buckeridge) |
5.4 |
Effects of the High Concentration of Atmospheric CO2 on Growth and Development of Sugar Cane (Saccharum Officinarum) (Marília Gaspar, Amanda Pereira Souza, Mauro Marabesi, Jõao R.L. Godoy, Marcos P.M. Aidar, Marcos Silveira Buckeridge) |
5.5 |
The photosynthetic response to elevated CO2 in high altitude potato species (Solanum curtilobum) (Carlos Alberto Martinez, Natalia Olivo, Marco Antonio Oliva) |
5.6 |
Seasonal changes of ecophysiological responses of Hymenaea courbaril L. (Madeleine Barriga Puente de la Vega, Antonio Mauro Saraiva, Marcos Silveira Buckeridge, Henrique Pessoa Santos, Isis Santos Costa) |
5.7 |
Modeling photosynthesis of the tropical tree Hymenaea courbaril L. using artificial neural networks (Madeleine Barriga Puente de la Vega, Antonio Mauro Saraiva, Hernán Prieto Schmidt, Marcos Silveira Buckeridge) |
5.8 |
Hymenaea Courbaril l. (leguminosae): A Model Tree to Understand Pathways for Carbon Sequestration Into Cellulose in the Rain Forest (Marcos S. Buckeridge, Marcos P.M. Aidar, Marilia Gaspar, Solange C.M. Viveiros, Carlos A. Martinez, Paula M.F. Costa, Marco A.S. Tiné, Sonia M.C. Dietrich, Beatriz J. Lopes) |
5.9 |
Mixed Cover of C3 and CAM Species in a Tropical Coastal Vegetation: a Unique Situation for Efficient Carbon Sequestration (E. A. Mattos, F. R. Scarano) |
S14: |
Trocas de Carbono Entre os Ambientes Aquáticos, a Terra e a Atmosfera
Carbon Exchanges Between Aquatic Environments, Land, and Atmosphere |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Jeffrey Richey, John Melack |
| | | Sala (Room): Azul |
6.1 |
Examining the results from the Asu catchment in a wider Amazonian context (Martin George Hodnett, Javier Tomasella, Waterloo Maarten, Luz Adriana Cuartas, Antonio Donato Nobre) |
6.2 |
ENSO-Orchestrated Carbon Supply and Sequestration in Amazonian River Basins by Erosion-Sedimentation Processes (Rolf Aalto, Anthony K Aufdenkampe, Laurence Maurice-Bourgoin) |
6.3 |
Suspended sediment Yield in the Amazon basin. An assessment using the Brazilian national data set (Naziano Filizola, Jean Loup Guyot, Frédérique Seyler, Gérard Cochonneau, Eurides Oliveira) |
6.4 |
Role of Floodplains in Suspended Sediment Transfer and Storage Along the Amazon River (Laurence Maurice-Bourgoin, Pascal Kosuth, Jean-Michel Martinez, Eurides Oliveira) |
6.5 |
Isotopic Constraints on Organic and Inorganic Carbon Cycling in the Amazon River System (Emilio Mayorga, Anthony K Aufdenkampe, Alex V Krusche, Caroline A Masiello, Paul D Quay, Jeffrey E Richey) |
6.6 |
Pilot Experiments on Air-Water Exchange of Carbon Dioxide in the Amazon Basin (Simone R. Alin, Scott D. Miller, Alex Vladimir Krusche, Jeffrey Richey) |
6.7 |
Detection of carbon dioxide efflux from the rivers in the atmosphere. (Joe Berry, Jean Pierre Ometto, Jim Ehleringer, Jon Wells) |
6.8 |
Evidence of nocturnal horizontal transport of CO2 at an Amazon pasture/agricultural site (Otávio C Acevedo, Osvaldo L Moraes, Rodrigo Silva, David R Fitzjarrald, Ricardo K Sakai, Matthew Czikowski) |
6.9 |
Intraseasonal Variability of the Surface Fluxes in Santarém (Pedro Leite Silva Dias, Maria Isabel Vitorino, Humberto Rocha, Scott D. Miller, Michael Goulden) |
6.10 |
Palestra cancelado. Talk has been canceled. |
S5: |
Dados e Produtos Terra/Aqua MODIS Para a Ciência do LBA: Resultados Atuais e Oportunidades Para Integração de Dados e Sínteses.
Terra / Aqua MODIS Data and Products for LBA Science: Current Results and Opportunities for Data Integration and Synthesis |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Alfredo Huete, Laerte Ferreira |
| | | Sala (Room): Branco |
7.1 |
Use of MODIS and MERIS data for the water quality monitoring of Amazonian rivers and floodplain lakes (Jean-Michel Martinez, Laurence Maurice-Bourgoin, Patricia Moreira-Turcq, Jean-Loup Guyot) |
7.2 |
Análise Sazonal dos Produtos MOD13A2 (NDVI/EVI) e MOD15A2 (LAI/fAPAR) Para o Bioma Cerrado (Manuel Eduardo Ferreira, Alfredo R Huete, Laerte Guimarães Ferreira, Alejandro Alvarado Peccinini) |
7.3 |
Combining Landsat ETM+ and Terrain Data for Scaling Up Leaf Area Index (LAI) in Eastern Amazon: an Intercomparison With MODIS Product (Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz Aragão, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Mathew Williams, Fernando Del Bom Espírito Santo) |
7.4 |
Phenological shifts and variations in vegetation along Amazon eco-climatic transect using MODIS VI time series (Piyachat Ratana, Alfredo Ramon Huete, Kamel Didan) |
7.5 |
Spatiotemporal Shifts in Biologic Activity Across Amazonia Forest-Cerrado Transitions and Land Conversions: an Analysis with MODIS Biophysical Products (Alfredo Ramon Huete, Kamel Didan, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Piyachat Ratana, Laerte Guimaraes Ferreira) |
7.6 |
Mapping Expansion of Soybean Cultivation with MODIS data (Ruth DeFries, Douglas Morton, Matthew Hansen, Yosio Shimabukuro, Liana Anderson, Ellen Jasinski) |
7.7 |
Combining Land Cover Data with MODIS Active Fire Detections to Establish Fire Type and Estimate Burned Area (Douglas Morton, Jeff Morisette, Ivan Csiszar, Wilfrid Schroeder, Ruth DeFries, Joao Raposo Pereira, Chris Justice) |
7.8 |
Análise espacial dos padrões de desmatamento na região Amazônica através de dados PRODES e MODIS (Nilson Clementino Ferreira, Laerte Guimaraes Ferreira, Alfredo R. Huete, Manuel Eduardo Ferreira) |
7.9 |
Avaliação dos índices de vegetação MODIS para a detecção de mudanças na cobertura vegetal do Cerrado. (Eristelma Teixeira Jesus, Laerte Guimarães Ferreira, Manuel Eduardo Ferreira, Nilson Clementino Ferreira, Alfredo Huete, Edson Eyji Sano) |
7.10 |
Sistema para Visualização e Análise da Qualidade das imagens MOD13 (Fábio Lobo, Nilson Clementino Ferreira, Laerte Guimaraes Ferreira, Tomoaki Miura, Kamel Didan) |
Quarta-feira (Wednesday), 28/07/04
9:00 - 10:30 |
Plenária III (Plenary III) |
Coordenador (Chair): Michael Keller |
| Sala (Room): Auditório |
8.1  |
Desvendando as Complexidades do Ciclo do Carbono na Amazônia
Unraveling the Complexities of the Carbon Cycle in the Amazon
(Antonio Nobre) |
8.2  |
Padrões Espaciais da Dinâmica do Carbono na Floresta, Biomassa e Mudanças da Biomassa ao longo de diferentes regiões da Bacia Amazônica
Spatial Patterns in Forest Carbon Dynamics, Biomass and Biomass Change Across the Amazon Basin.
(Yadvinder Malhi, Oliver Phillips, Timothy Baker, Sandra Patiño, Jon Lloyd) |
8.3  |
Floresta Primária do Tapajós: Comparação dos dados de Tapajós para Carbono, Forçantes Climáticas e Demografia Florestal através da Amazônia
Tapajos Primary Forest Study in Context: Comparison of Tapajos Data for Carbon Budgets, Climatic Forcing and Forest Demography Across Amazonia.
(Steven C. Wofsy, Scott R. Saleska, J. William Munger, Lucy Hutyra, Gregory W. Santoni, Victoria Y. Chow, Bruce C. Daube, John W. Budney, Alfram V. Bright, Michael Keller, Michael Palace, Patrick Crill, Hudson Silva, Michael Goulden, Scott Miller, Humberto da Rocha, Plinio B. de Camargo, Simone Vieira, Volker Kirchhoff, David R. Fitzjarrald, Ricardo Sakai, Osvaldo Moraes) |
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 |
Plenária IV (Plenary IV) |
Coordenador (Chair): Flavio Luizao |
| Sala (Room): Auditório |
9.1  |
Processos do Sistema Terrestre e Saúde Humana: Articulações na Amazônia
Earth System Processes and Human Health: Linkages in the Amazon
(Ulisses E.C. Confalonieri) |
9.2  |
A Escala Regional e Planetária das "Mercadorias e Serviços" fornecidos pela Floresta Amazônica: Analisando os compromissos entre as necessidades Humanas e a Funções Ambientais
Regional- and Planetary-scale "Goods and Services" Provided by the Amazon Basin: Examining Trade-Offs Between Human Needs and Environmental Function
(Jonathan A. Foley) |
9.3  |
A relevância para políticas públicas das "Ciências das Dimensões Humanas" do LBA: Uma Revisão das Realizações e Oportunidades
Policy Relevance of LBA "Human Dimensions" Science: A Review of Accomplishments and Opportunities
(Daniel Nepstad) |
Almoço (Lunch)
14:00 – 16:00 |
Pôsteres (Posters) |
16:30 - 19:00 |
Sessões Paralelas II - Pesquisas em Destaque (RH) e Sessões Especiais (S) |
Parallel Sessions II - Research Highlights (RH) and Special Sessions (S) |
RH2: |
Pesquisas em Destaque: Carbono, Biogeoquímica, e Hidrologia
Research Highlights: Carbon, Biogeochemistry, and Hydrology |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Humberto Rocha, Jeffrey Richey |
| | | Sala (Room): Auditório |
10.1 |
The Biological Control of Carbon Pathways Inside the Plant as a Response to Changing Environment: a Learning Experience (Marcos S. Buckeridge) |
10.2 |
Stable isotopes: integrators and tracers of processes from the leaf and microbe to the atmosphere and basin. (Joe Berry, Luiz Antonio Martinelli, Jim Ehleringer) |
10.3 |
The water balance of a forested tropical basin near Manaus: Impacts of the interannual variability of climate on the hydrological cycle. (Javier Tomasella, Martin G. Hodnett, Luz A. Cuartas, Antônio D. Nobre, Maarten Waterloo, Sylvia M Oliveira) |
10.4 |
Seasonal and interannual variability of Amazon carbon and water vapour exchange in response to the environment (Bart Kruijt, Antonio Donato Nobre, Antonio Ocimar Manzi, Celso Von Randow, Alessandro Carioca de Araujo, Yadvinder Singh Malhi, Paulo Jorge Oliveira, John Grace, Fernando Cardoso, Nicolau Priante, George Luiz Vourlitis, Yves-Marie Gardette, Leonardo Deane de Abreu Sa, John Gash, Eddy Moors) |
10.5 |
Controls on tropical forest CO2 and energy exchange (Michael L Goulden, Scott D Miller, Humberto R da Rocha, Christopher E Doughty, Michela e Silva Figueira, Helber Freitas, Albert Dias de Sousa) |
10.6 |
From dry to flooded, from Cerrado to Forest : scaling the CO2 and H2O atmospheric fluxes across tropical ecosystems (Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha) |
10.7 |
Carbon, biogeochemistry, and hydrology: from terrestrial to aquatic systems (Johannes Lehmann, Mark S. Johnson, Eduardo Couto, Susan Riha, Luiz Carlos M. Rodrigues, Mara Abdo, Evandro C. Selva, Erick C.M. Fernandes) |
10.8 |
Coupling of Carbon, Biogeochemical, and Hydrological Cycles: A Fluvial Perspective (Jeffrey Edward Richey, Reynaldo Luiz Victoria) |
10.9 |
Multi-scale analyses of inundation and wetland vegetation dynamics: Applications to measurements and modeling of carbon fluxes (John Melack, Evlyn Novo, Laura Hess, Maycira Costa, Bruce Forsberg) |
10.10 |
Tropical forests and the global nitrous oxide budget (Jerry M. Melillo, Carlos C. Cerri, Paul A. Steudler, Diana C. Garcia-Montiel, Christopher Neill, Brigitte Feigl) |
S3: |
O Papel do Ecossistema Amazônico na Determinação das Variabilidades Climáticas Regional e Global.
Role of Amazon Ecosystem in Determining Regional and Global Climate Variabilities |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Rong Fu, Tercio Ambrizzi |
| | | Sala (Room): Verde |
11.1 |
How are Land Properties in a Climate Model Coupled through the Boundary Layer to Affect the Amazon Hydrological Cycle? (Robert Earl Dickinson) |
11.2 |
Influences of biomass burning on land-atmosphere interactions and dry-to-wet transition over Amazonia (Yan Zhang, Hongbin Yu, Rong Fu) |
11.3 |
The influence of land surface on the wet season onset over the Amazonia (Wenhong Li, Rong Fu) |
11.4 |
Seasonal variations in C and H2O cycling of a tropical transitional forest (George Louis Vourlitis, Nicolau Priante, José de Souza Nogueira, Luciana Sanches, Fernando Raiter, Wander Hoeger, Eduardo Miranda, George Suli, Carla Valentini) |
11.5 |
The atmospheric boundary layer characteristics over forest and pasture in the Amazon region (Gilberto Fisch) |
11.6 |
Hydraulic redistribution in amazonian trees (Rafael S Oliveira, Todd E Dawson, Stephen O Burgess, Daniel C Nepstad) |
11.7 |
Is the Amazon Heat Source Relevant for Higher Latitude Climate Anomalies? (Pedro Leite Silva Dias, Jose Aravequia, Carlos F.M. Raupp) |
11.8 |
Can Amazon Rainfall influence the Winter Weather over Europe and North America? (Rong Fu, Robert E. Dickinson, Mingxuan Chen, Hui Wang) |
11.9 |
Teleconnection between tree growth in the Amazonian floodplains and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation effect (Jochen Schoengart, Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade, Wolfgang Johannes Junk, Martin Worbes) |
11.10 |
Tree ring studies related to carbon uptake in Amazon lowland forests: Tree Growth and Climate (Marco Sack, Wolfgang Johannes Junk, Maria Teresa Piedade, Jochen Schoengart, Martin Worbes) |
S15: |
Efeitos da Estiagem na Dinâmica do Carbono da Floresta: Resultados de Experimentos de Manipulação de Chuvas
Drought Effects on Forest Carbon Dynamics: Results From Rainfall Manipulation Experiments |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Patrick Meir, Paulo Moutinho |
| | | Sala (Room): Brasília |
12.1 |
Large carbon emissions from Amazon forests through drought-induced tree mortality and suppression of wood production (Daniel Curtis Nepstad, David Ray, Paulo Roberto Moutinho, Ingrid Marisa Tohver, Gina Knust Cardinot) |
12.2 |
Changes in carbon cycling by Brazilian rain forest: effects of soil moisture reduction on soil, leaves and canopy (Patrick Meir, Antonio Carlos Lola da Costa, Almeida Samuel, Fisher Alice Rosie, Raquel Lobo do Vale, Raquel Medeiros, Sotta Doff Eleneide, Costa Rafael, Jose Maria Costa, Claudio Carvalho, Lou Ruivo, Edso Veldkamp, Manuela Chaves, Mat Williams, Yadvinder Malhi, John Grace) |
12.3 |
Dry-season irrigation alters carbon dynamics in tropical forest regrowth (Daniel Jacob Zarin, Debora Veiga Aragao, Maristela Machado Araujo, Claudio Reis Carvalho, Lucas Fortini, Izildinha Miranda, Stephen Mulkey, Francisco Assis Oliveira, Patricia Delamonica Sampaio, Joanna Tucker, Steel Silva Vasconcelos) |
12.4 |
Drought tolerance of Amazon trees reflects a low vulnerability to cavitation: results from a large scale rainfall exclusion experiment. (Gina Knust Cardinot, N. Michele Holbrook, Daniel Curtis Nepstad) |
12.5 |
Soil CO2 production and transport in the drought experiment in Caxiuana National Forest, Para, Brazil. (Eleneide Doff Sotta, Rosiene Keila da Paixao, Brenda Rocha Guimaraes, Alessandro Rosario, Antonio Carlos Lola da Costa, Edzo Veldkamp, Patrick Meir, Maria de Lourdes Ruivo, Luitgard Schwendenmann) |
12.6 |
Moisture availability constrains soil trace gas fluxes in an eastern Amazonian regrowth forest (Steel Vasconcelos, Daniel Zarin, Eric Davidson, Francoise Ishida, Elisana Santos, Maristela Araújo, Débora Aragão, Lívia Rangel-Vasconcelos, Francisco de Assis Oliveira, William McDowell, Cláudio José Carvalho) |
12.7 |
Stable isotope analyses provide evidence of drought stress impacting plant function at the Seca Floresta (James R Ehleringer, Jean P Ometto, Francoise Y Ishida, Luiz A Martinelli, Joseph A Berry, Tomas Domingues, Haroldo Silva, Edmar Mazzi, Dan Nepstad) |
12.8 |
Correlation but no causation between leaf nitrogen and maximum assimilation: the role of drought and reproduction in gas exchange in an understory tropical plant Miconia ciliata (Melastomataceae) (Débora V Aragão, Lucas B Fortini, Stephen S Mulkey, Daniel J Zarin, Maristela M Araujo, Claudio J R de Carvalho) |
12.9 |
Coupling soil hydraulics to stomatal conductance; a mechanism for modelling the impacts of drought on forest gas exchange. (Rosie Fisher, Mathew Williams, Antonio Lola da Costa, Maria de Lourdes Ruivo, Patrick Meir) |
S7: |
Estradas e Mudanças no Uso da Terra e Desflorestamento na Amazônia Brasileira.
Roads, Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in Brazilian Amazon |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Eustáquio Reis, Marcellus Caldus |
| | | Sala (Room): Azul |
13.1 |
Understanding the Function of Roads in Land Cover Change (Robert Walker, Marcellus Caldas, Stephen G Perz, Eugenio Arima) |
13.2 |
Determinantes e Tendências da Ocupação da Amazônia (Eustáquio J Reis, Ajax B Moreira) |
13.3 |
Amazon Soybean Transport Costs (Maria del Carmen Vera-Diaz, Robert Kaufmann, Daniel Nepstad) |
13.4 |
Land Use and Transportation Costs in the Brazilian Amazon (Diana Weinhold, Eustaquio Reis) |
13.5 |
As mudanças sócio-ambientais na Amazônia Sul-Ocidental: Avalaiação pelas populações ao longo da Estrada Interoceanica no Estado do Acre, Brasil e no Departamento de Madre de Dios, Peru. (Elsa Huamán Mendoza, Foster Brown, Daniel Curtis Nepstad, Armando Muñante, Rodrigo Serrano, Denise Temporim Furtado, Sumaia Vasconcelos, Mercedes Peralta, Jessica Swansson, Socorro Pea) |
13.6 |
Roads: A Proximate or Underlying Cause of Deforestation? (Marie Scouvart, Eric Lambin) |
13.7 |
Heterogeneity in Road-building Processes and Road Network Architecture: A Comparison of Two Amazonian Arenas and Implications for Projecting Future Land Cover (Stephen G Perz, Marcellus M Caldas, Robert T Walker) |
13.8 |
Logging roads in the Amazon basin and forest fragmentation: modeling challenges (Eugenio Arima) |
13.9 |
Basin-Scale Econometric Modeling I: road endogeneity and road impacts (Alexander Pfaff, Eustaquio Reis, Claudio Bohrer, Juan Robalino) |
13.10 |
Basin-Scale Econometric Modeling II: spatial disaggregation and spatial impacts (Alexander Pfaff, Eustaquio Reis, Claudio Bohrer, Juan Robalino) |
S19: |
Avaliações de Precisão e Suas Implicações Para o Monitoramento de Fogo e Desflorestamento
Accuracy Assessments and their Implications for Fire and Deforestation Monitoring |
Coordenadores (Chairs): I. Foster Brown, Jeffrey Morisette |
| | | Sala (Room): Branco |
14.1 |
Números de Desflorestamento Devem Incorporar Fundamentos de Medidas (Alberto W Setzer) |
14.2 |
Public policy implications of accuracy assessment for fire and deforestation monitoring: Don’t forget the error bars (Irving Foster Brown) |
14.3 |
Incorporating the use of MODIS data into INPE deforestation mapping (Yosio Shimabukuro, Ruth DeFries, Douglas Morton, Liana Anderson, Marcelo Latorre, Matthew Hansen, Ellen Jasinski) |
14.4 |
Representatividade e limitações dos dados da detecção orbital de queimadas do INPE (Alberto W Setzer) |
14.5 |
Characterizing Vegetation Fire Regimes in Brazil Through Adjusted Satellite Fire Detection Data (Wilfrid Schroeder, Jeffrey Thomas Morisette, Louis Giglio, Ivan Csiszar, Douglas Morton, Christopher Justice, João A. R. Pereira) |
14.6 |
Validation and comparison of Terra/MODIS active fire detections from INPE and NASA/UMd algorithms (Jeffrey Thomas Morisette, Ivan Csiszar, Louis Giglio, Wilfrid Schroeder, Douglas Morton, João Antonio Raposo Pereira, Christopher O. Justice) |
14.7 |
Dinâmica das queimadas no Estado do Mato Grosso (Alexandre Camargo Coutinho) |
14.8 |
Passive ground-based analyses for interpreting satellite fire data - Applications to AVHRR and MODIS active fire detections in Amazonia (Manoel Cardoso, George Hurtt, Berrien Moore III, Carlos Nobre, Heather Bain) |
14.9 |
Remote Sensing Database for the LBA Project (Dalton M. Valeriano, Yosio E. Shimabukuro, Laura Hess, John Melack, Evlyn Novo, Claudio Barbosa, Egidio Arai, Fernando D. B. Espírito-Santo, Adriana G. Affonso) |
S21: |
Impacto de Partículas de Aerossol no Clima da Amazônia
Impact of Aerosol Particles on the Amazonian Climate |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Meinrat O. Andreae, Vanderlei Martins |
| | | Sala (Room): Amarelo |
15.1 |
CCN Variability During LBA-SMOCC-EMfiN! 2002 and Its Role on Precipitation Initiation Over the Amazon Basin (Alexandre Araújo Costa, Antonio Charles Silvério, Gerson Almeida Paiva) |
15.2 |
Cloud Condensation Nuclei concentrations in the Amazon Basin (Göran Frank, Greg Roberts, Erik Swietlicki, Paulo Artaxo, Luciana Rizzo, Pascal Guyon, Olga Mayol-Bracero, Anders Vestin, Jenny Rissler, Jingchuan Zhou, Meinrat O. Andreae) |
15.3 |
Role of aerosol chemical composition on the formation of cloud condensation nuclei during biomass burning periods (Swen Metzger, Ivonne Trebs, Laurens Ganzeveld, Jos Lelieveld, Philip Stier, Franz X. Meixner, Meinrat O. Andreae, Paulo Artaxo) |
15.4 |
Airborne Measurements of Trace Gases and Aerosol Particles Emission Ratios From Biomass Burning in Amazonia (Pascal Guyon, Goran Frank, Michael Welling, Paulo Artaxo, Gilberto Nishioka, Jon Lloyd, Olaf Kolle, Maria A.F. Silva Dias, Luciana V. Gatti, Anna M. Cordova, Meinrat O. Andreae) |
15.5 |
Comments on “Smoking Rain Clouds over the Amazon” by M.O. Andreae, D. Rosenfeld, P. Artaxo, A.A. Costa, G.P. Frank, K.M. Longo and M.A.F. Silva-Dias (Earle Williams) |
15.6 |
Characteristics of the Precipitating Systems during the 2002 Dry-to-Wet Field Campaign in the Amazon Region. (Carlos A Morales, Luiz A. Toledo Machado, Maria A.F. Dias, Wando Amorim, maria E. Frediani, Rachel Albrech) |
15.7 |
Airborne and Ground Based Measurement of the Vertical Structure of Cloud Properties (J. Vanderlei Martins, Yoram Kaufman, Paulo Artaxo, Lorraine Remer, Daniel Rosenfeld, Ilan Koren) |
15.8 |
O contexto “Green Ocean” visto através da distribuição de gotículas de nuvem e sua representatividade por uma função gama generalizada. (Jorge A. Martins, Fábio L. T. Gonçalves, Maria A. F. S. Dias) |
15.9 |
Global Simulation of the Indirect Aerosol Effect With the ECHAM5 GCM (P Stier, J Feichter, S Kinne, U Lohmann, J Zhang) |
15.10 |
Biomass burning and implications for the pattern of nitrogen deposition in the Amazon Basin (Luciene Lorandi Lara, Paulo Artaxo, Elisabeth A. Holland, Theotonio Pauliquevis) |
Quinta-feira (Thursday), 29/07/04
9:00 - 10:30 |
Plenária V (Plenary V) |
Coordenador (Chair): Mercedes Bustamante |
| Sala (Room): Auditório |
16.1  |
Entendendo a Hidrologia de Superfície da Amazônia: Uma Visão Biogeoquímica
Understanding the Surface Hydrology of Amazônia: A Biogeochemical View
(Reynaldo Victoria) |
16.2  |
Degradação de Pastagem, Desenvolvimento da Floresta Secundária, e Produtividade da Floresta Madura: Os Nutrientes são Importantes?
Pasture Degradation, Secondary Forest Regrowth, and Mature Forest Productivity: Do Nutrients Matter?
(Eric A Davidson) |
16.3  |
Aproveitando a Biogeoquímica e o Conhecimento Tradicional para a Regeneração de áreas desmatadas e degradadas na Amazônia
Harnessing Biogeochemistry and Traditional Knowledge For Regenerating Deforested and Degraded Lands in the Amazon
(Erick C. M. Fernandes) |
Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 |
Plenária VI (Plenary VI) |
Coordenador (Chair): Regina Luizao |
| Sala (Room): Auditório |
17.1 |
Como as Descobertas do LBA podem ser Úteis para a Agricultura na Amazônia?
How can LBA Achievements be Useful to Agriculture in Amazônia?
(Tatiana Deane De Abreu Sa) |
17.2 |
Sensoriamento Remoto do Corte Seletivo de Madeira: Desafios, Sucessos e o Futuro
Remote Sensing of Selective Logging: Challenges, Successes, and the Future
(Gregory Asner, Carlos Souza) |
17.3 |
Uma Análise Integrada da Ecologia, Uso da Terra e Dinâmica da Cobertura Florestal na Amazônia Oriental
An Integrated Analysis of Ecology and Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics in Eastern Amazônia
(Ima Célia Guimarães Vieira) |
Almoço (Lunch)
14:00 – 15:30 |
Pôsteres (Posters) |
Coffee Break |
15:30 - 18:00 |
Sessões Paralelas III - Pesquisas em Destaque (RH) e Sessões Especiais (S) |
Parallel Sessions III - Research Highlights (RH) and
Special Sessions (S) |
RH1: |
Pesquisas em Destaque: Física do Clima e Química da Atmosfera
Research Highlights: Physical Climate and Atmospheric Chemistry |
Coordenador (Chair): ??? |
| | | Sala (Room): Auditório |
18.1 |
Hydroelectric Dams in Amazônia as Contributors to Global Warming: The Controversy Heats Up (Philip M. Fearnside) |
18.2 |
Mesoclimate of the LBA-ECO Santarém Study Area (David Roy Fitzjarrald, Ricardo Kendi Sakai, Osvaldo M. M. Moraes, Czikowsky Matthew J., Acevedo Otavio C., Raimundo Cosme de Oliveira Junior) |
18.3 |
Observations and Simulations of the Water and Energy balances in the Amazon Basin (Jose A Marengo, Carlos A Nobre, Helio Camargo, Candido Luiz, Castro A Christopher) |
18.4 |
Hydroclimatological Teleconnections due to land-cover change in Amazonia (Roni Avissar, David Werth) |
18.5 |
Comparisons of the Amazon and Congo River Basins: Hydrology, Fire, Thermodynamics and Lightning (Earle Williams, Gabriella Satori) |
18.6 |
The relationship between biomass burning aerosols, cloud condensation nuclei and cloud structure in Amazonia (Paulo Artaxo, Meinrat O. Andreae, Daniel Rosenfeld, Goran Frank, Pascal Guyon, Luciana V. Rizzo, Theotonio Pauliquevis, Maria A. F. Silva Dias) |
18.7 |
Trace Gases Concentrations during Dry and Wet Seasons in the Amazon Basin (Luciana Vanni Gatti, Ana Maria Cordova, Amelia Yamazaki, Angelica Pretto, William Munger, Paulo Artaxo, Carlos Bauer Aquino, Lizia Murbach, Williams Castro Martins, Meinrat O. Andreae, Franz Meixner, Duli Chand, Ivonne Trebbs) |
18.8 |
Impact of Amazonian deforestation on the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere (Laurens Ganzeveld, Lex Bouwman, Bas Eickhout, Patrick Joeckel, Jos Lelieveld, Swen Metzger, Rolf Sander, Meryem Tanarhte) |
18.9 |
Palestra cancelada. Será apresentada como Poster 45.17-P na sessão PC_Modelagem. Talk has been canceled. Now presented as Poster 45.17-P in the PC_Modeling session. |
S2: |
Uma Década de Progresso na Modelagem de Produtividade de Ciclagem de Carbono e Hidrologia de Superfície na Bacia Amazônica.
A Decade of Progress in Modeling Productivity, Carbon Cycling and Surface Hydrology Across the Amazon Basin |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Chris Potter, Marcos Costa |
| | | Sala (Room): Azul |
19.1 |
A Decade of Progress in Modeling the Hydroclimatology of the Amazon System (Marcos Heil Costa) |
19.2 |
Recent Progress in Modeling Biome-Climate Interactions in Amazonia (Carlos Afonso Nobre) |
19.3 |
Advances in Modeling Land Surface Hydrology in Amazonia (Michael T Coe) |
19.4 |
Recent Progress in Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling (Maria Assuncao F SilvaDias) |
19.5 |
Recent progress in modeling surface hydrology across the Amazon Basin using a Variable Infiltration Capacity approach (Daniel de Castro Victoria, Jeffrey E. Richey, Mariza C. Costa-Cabral, Alailson Venceslau Santiago, Antonio Roberto Pereira, Emilio Mayorga, Reynaldo Luiz Victoria, Maria Victoria Ramos Ballester) |
19.6 |
Recent progress in estimating suspended sediment yield variability in the Amazon River (Jean Loup Guyot, Naziano Filizola, Alain Laraque) |
19.7 |
Advances in Understanding Land Cover/Land Use Changes for Biogeochemical and Hydrological Modeling (Diogenes S Alves) |
19.8 |
Recent Progress in Measuring and Modeling Patterns of Biomass and Soil Carbon Pools Across the Amazon Basin (Christopher Potter, Yadvinder Mahli) |
19.9 |
Recent Progress in Understanding Terrestrial Carbon Cycles in the Amazon Basin (Susa n Trumbore, Plinio Camargo, Simone Aparecida Vieira, Jeffrey Q Chambers, Niro Higuchi, Diogo Selhorst, Everaldo Telles) |
19.10 |
Towards a Model of Carbon Mobilization, Advection, and Reaction in the Amazon River (Jeffrey E Richey, Anthony A Aufdenkampe, Alex K Krusche, Daniel Victoria, Maria Ballester) |
S4: |
Controle do Solo na Biogeoquímica dos Rios.
Soil Control on Stream Biogeochemistry |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Alex Krusche, Johannes Lehmann |
| | | Sala (Room): Brasília |
20.1 |
A hydrological framework for biogeochemical studies (Helmut Elsenbeer, Jorge Marcos de Moraes) |
20.2 |
Hydrological Processes in Small Forest and Pasture Catchments of the Eastern Amazonia (Marysol A. E. Schuler, Jorge M. Moraes, Thommas Dunne, Ricardo de O. Figueiredo, Daniel Markewitz, Eric A. Davidson, Reynaldo L. Victoria) |
20.3 |
Physical and Anthropogenic Controls of the Biogeochemistry of the Ji-Paraná River Basin (Western Amazônia) (Victoria R. Ballester, Alex V. Krusche, Nei Leite Kavaguishi, Beatriz Machado Gomes, Daniel de Castro Victoria, Alexandra Ayres Montebello, Christopher Neill, Linda Deegan, Jeffrey Eduard Richey, Reynaldo Luiz Victoria) |
20.4 |
Stream water chemistry in three meso-scale hydrologic basins in Eastern Amazonia (Ricardo de O. Figueiredo, Daniel Markewitz, Eric A. Davidson, Ewerton da S. Cunha, Marysol A. E. Schuler, Patrício de S. Silva) |
20.5 |
The chemistry of two streams draining kaolinitic soils (Daniel Markewitz, Ricardo de O Figueiredo, Eric A Davidson, Mercedes Bustamante, Lucilia Parron, Julio Resende) |
20.6 |
Significant seasonal and event-driven changes of carbon and nutrient fluxes to first-order streams of an Amazon forest (Mark S. Johnson, Johannes Lehmann, Evandro Carlos Selva, Eduardo Guimaraes Couto, Mara Abdo, Erick C.M. Fernandes, Susan Riha) |
20.7 |
The role of sorption in retention of dissolved organic carbon in soils of the lowland Amazon basin (Sonya M Remington, Vania Neu, Jeffrey E Richey, Erin Ellis) |
20.8 |
Hydrologic nitrogen losses from tropical forest soils -- patterns and implications. (Lars O Hedin, Megan McGroddy, Ben Houlton, Emilio Moran, Mateus Battisella) |
20.9 |
Key Connections in Amazon Stream Corridors: Using 15N to Trace N Transformations and Transport (Linda A. Deegan, Christopher Neill, Reynaldo L. Victoria, Christie L. Haupert, Victoria Ballester, Alex V. Krusche, Suzanne M. Thomas) |
20.10 |
Controls of land-water nitrogen movement through small lowland Amazonian forest and pasture drainage basins in Rondônia (Christopher Neill, Linda A. Deegan, Alex V. Krusche, Victoria R. Ballester, Helmut Elsenbeer, Jorge M. Moraes, Reynaldo L. Victoria, Suzanne M. Thomas, Christie L. Haupert, Marisa C. Piccolo) |
S12: |
Eventos de Perturbações na Ecologia e Biogeoquímioca de Florestas Tropicais
Disturbance Events and Tropical Forest Ecology and Biogeochemistry |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Carlos Souza, Scott Saleska |
| | | Sala (Room): Amarelo |
21.1 |
Amazon-wide Forest Gap Fraction and Selective Logging from Satellite Analyses (Gregory Asner, Natalino Silva, Mercedes Bustamante, Michael Keller, Amanda Cooper, Lydia Olander, David Knapp) |
21.2 |
Micrometeorology, CO2 and H2O Exchange of a Tropical Rainforest Before and After Selective Logging (Scott Miller, Mike Goulden, Humberto Rocha, Mary Menton, Michela Figuera, Albert Sousa, Augusto Maia, Helber Freitas, Ed Read) |
21.3 |
Selective Logging Effects on Carbon Budgets at Three Sites in the Brazilian Amazon (Michael Keller, Michael Palace, José Natalino M. Silva, Gregory P. Asner) |
21.4 |
Biomass and Necromass in Three Undisturbed Forests in the Brazilian Amazon (Michael William Palace, Michael M. Keller, Greg P. Asner, Jose Natalino Silva) |
21.5 |
Canopy structure and radiation environment metrics indicate forest developmental stage, disturbance, and certain ecosystem functions (Geoffrey Parker, David Fitzjarrald) |
21.6 |
Natural disturbance regimes and tropical forest carbon balance: integrating canopy structure, flux measurements, and modeling across the landscape (Scott R. Saleska, Paul R. Moorcroft, David R Fitzjarrald, Geoffrey G. Parker, Plinio B. Camargo, Steven C. Wofsy) |
21.7 |
What's driving regional changes in old-growth tropical forests? (Jeffrey Q Chambers, Niro Higuchi, Joaquim dos Santos, Liliane M Teixeira, Susan E Trumbore) |
21.8 |
Quantifying the effect of sporadic forest disturbances on measured biomass change in forest plots (Yadvinder Malhi) |
21.9 |
Variation in ages and growth rates of trees in Amazonian tropical forests: consequences for carbon and forest management (Simone Aparecida Vieira, Plínio Barbosa de Camargo, Diogo Selhorst, Niro Higuchi, Luiz Antonio Martinelli, Susan Trumbore) |
21.10 |
Seasonal dynamics of soil, litter, and ecosystem respiratory carbon dioxide fluxes as indicated by stable isotope analyses (Jean Pierre Ometto, James R Ehleringer, Luiz Antonio Martinelli, Joseph Berry, Françoise Yoko Ishida, Tomas Ferreira Domingues, Haroldo Jackson Silva, Edmar Mazzi) |
S13: |
Integrando Mudanças dos Usos da Terra, Respostas do Ecossistema e Sistemas Climáticos na Bacia Amazônica
Integrating Land Use Change, Ecosystem Responses, and Climate Systems in the Amazon Basin. |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Britaldo Soares, Daniel Nepstad |
| | | Sala (Room): Verde |
22.1 |
Amazon scenarios: modeling the interactions of ecosystems, climate, and land use (Daniel Curtis Nepstad, Britaldo Silveira Filho, Ane Auxiliadora Alencar) |
22.2 |
Integrated Ecological Economics Modeling of Ecosystem Services from Brazil's Amazon Rainforest (Rosimeiry Portela) |
22.3 |
A spatially explicit simulation model of deforestation for the Amazon Basin (Britaldo Silveira Soares-Filho, Daniel Curtis Nepstad, Gustavo Coutinho Cerqueira, Ane Alencar, Eliane Voll, Paul Lefebvre) |
22.4 |
Analysis of the influence of spatial variables on the location of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (Britaldo Silveira Soares-Filho, Hermann O. Rodrigues, Daniel Nepstad, Gustavo Coutinho Cerqueira, Eliane Voll, Ane Alencar) |
22.5 |
Reconciling competing land uses along the BR-163 highway: steps towards science-based, participatory land use zoning (Ane A.C. Alencar, Daniel C. Nepstad, Oriana T. Almeida, Maria Del Carmen V. Diaz) |
22.6 |
Amazon Soybean Expansion: Yield and Rent Models (Maria del Carmen Vera-Diaz, Robert Kaufmann, Peter Schlesinger, Daniel Nepstad) |
22.7 |
A Demographic Dynamics System for the Brazilian Amazon's Municipalities. (Ricardo Alexandrino Garcia, Britaldo Silveira Soares Filho, Daniel Curtis Nepstad) |
22.8 |
Estimating Amazonian forest fire probability based on edaphic and climatic factors and proximity to land-use and infrastructure. (Paul A. Lefebvre, Daniel C. Nepstad, Ane A. Alencar) |
22.9 |
Effects of Land Use Change on Vertebrate Populations in a Dynamic Frontier in Amazonia (Claudia Azevedo-Ramos, Lisa M. Curran, Alice MacDonald, Ana Cristina M. Oliveira, Oswaldo de Carvalho Jr) |
22.10 |
Biomass of Amazonian Forest and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: New Data and Controversies (Philip M. Fearnside, Euler M. Nogueira, Bruce W. Nelson) |
S18: |
Florestas Secundárias na Paisagem Amazônica: Estudos de Campo e de Sensoriamento Remoto que Aprimorem Nossa Compreensão da Dinâmica Espacial, Temporal e Biogeoquímica das Florestas Secundárias
Secondary Forests in the Amazonian Landscape: Field Studies and Remote Sensing Studies That Advance our Understanding of the Spatial, Temporal, and Biogeochemical Dynamics of Secondary Forests |
Coordenadores (Chairs): Eric Davidson, Mateus Batistella |
| | | Sala (Room): Branco |
23.1 |
Changing enzymatic activities and mycorrhizal infections in a chronosequence of secondary and mature forests of eastern Amazonia (Cláudio José Reis de Carvalho, Eric Atlas Davidson, Tereza Primo dos Santos, Fábio Carneiro Dutra, Bruno de Oliveira Serrão) |
23.2 |
Caracterização de Estádios Sucessionais na Amazônia: Resultado do Mapeamento no Sítio Experimental da Floresta Nacional do Tapajós (Fernando Del Bon Espírito-Santo, Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, João Roberto dos Santos, Tatiana Mora Kuplich) |
23.3 |
Palestra cancelada. Será apresentada como Poster 39.20-P na sessão LC_Desmatamento_Desenvolvimento. Talk has been canceled. Now presented as Poster
39.21-P in the LC_Deforestation_Development session. |
23.4 |
Integrating field data and remote sensing to study secondary forests in Amazonian rural settlements (Mateus Batistella, Dengsheng Lu) |
23.5 |
A Survey of Remote Sensing Methods for Mapping Second Growth Forests in Amazônia (Dar Alexander Roberts, William Salas) |
23.6 |
Responses to fertilization of secondary forest growth following pasture abandonment in central Amazônia, Brazil (Ted R. Feldpausch, Susan J. Riha, Erick C.M. Fernandes, Elisa V. Wandelli) |
23.7 |
Palestra cancelada. Será apresentada como Poster 41.24-P na sessão LC_Sensoriamento_Remoto. Talk has been canceled. Now presented as Poster 41.24-P in the LC_Remote_Sensing session. |
23.8 |
Legacy of Fire Slows Carbon Sequestration in Amazonian Forest Regrowth (Daniel Jacob Zarin, Ima Vieira, Patricia Delamonica Sampaio, Rita Mesquita, Ted Feldspauch, Mark Ducey, Eric Davidson, Eduardo Brondizio) |