FIFE Follow-On, like FIFE, is at the center of NASA's plan to develop a physically based approach for using satellite remote-sensing systems. The objectives of the projects were to understand the biophysical processes controlling the fluxes of radiation, moisture, and carbon dioxide between the land surface and the atmosphere; to develop remote-sensing methodologies for observing these processes; and to understand how to scale the information to regional scales commensurate with models of global processes.
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FIFE Follow-On investigators performed extensive analyses of the remote-sensing data and modeled the original 1987-1989 FIFE data. Their studies included data from a portable automatic meteorological station (AMS), site-averaged flux data collected by many investigators, site-averaged gravimetric soil moisture data, and site-averaged neutron probe soil moisture data acquired during the FIFE experiment. The raw data were extensively cleaned and edited before the site averages were generated. Bad data points and bad lines of data were removed. Investigators used the remote-sensing data to determine surface energy budgets, soil moisture and vegetation parameters, surface-atmosphere fluxes, and atmosphere properties. Investigators also studied surface-atmosphere exchanges and atmospheric boundary layer models to more completely understand the dynamics measured in the FIFE study.
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