The BORIS Team

The BOREAS Information System team is made up of NASA employees and contractors.

[back row] Dan Hodkinson, Fred Huemmrich, David Landis
[4th row] Anthony Young, Jeff Newcomer
[3rd row] Piers Sellers, Jaime Nickeson, Forrest Hall
[2nd row] Tracy Twine, David Knapp, Keith Kaminsky
[front row] Scott Goetz, Amy Morrell, Laura East

[missing] Valarie Corey, Shelaine Curd, Sara Conrad, Karen Mitchell, Beth Nelson, Don Rinker, Richard Strub

The BORIS Leaders

Dr. Forrest Hall: Project Manager -- NASA/GSFC

Dr. Piers Sellers: Former Project Manager (NASA/GSFC) -- now an Astronaut at Johnson Space Center.

Jeff Newcomer: Information Scientist -- Raytheon STX Corp.

The BORIS Staff

Valarie Corey: BOREAS Support -- SSAI

Shelaine Curd: Programmer -- Hughes STX Corp.
Terrestrial Ecology (TE) Group Representative for BORIS

Laura East: BOREAS Support -- SSAI

Scott Goetz: Transferred to the University of Maryland

Sara Conrad: Data Analysis -- Raytheon STX Corp.
Trace Gas Biogeochemistry (TGB) Group Representative for BORIS

Dan Hodkinson: BOREAS Infrastructure Coordinator -- SSAI

Dr. Fred Huemmrich: Associate Information Scientist -- University of Maryland
Tower Flux (TF) Group Representative for BORIS

Fred Irani: no longer on the project

Keith Kaminsky: Image Analysis -- Raytheon STX Corp.
Aircraft Flux and Meteorology (AFM) Group Representative for BORIS

David Knapp: Image Analysis/GIS -- Raytheon STX Corp.
Hydrology (HYD) Group Representative for BORIS

David Landis: Senior Programmer/WWW Site Architect -- Raytheon STX Corp.

Beth Nelson: (formerly Beth McCowan) BOREAS Data Coordinator -- SSAI

Karen Mitchell: Financial Management -- SSAI

Amy Morell: Oracle Data Base Administrator -- Raytheon STX Corp.

Ross Nelson: BOREAS Site Coordinator -- NASA/GSFC

Jaime Nickeson: Image Analysis -- Raytheon STX Corp.
Remote Sensing Science (RSS) Group Representative for BORIS

Don Rinker: Transferred to the National Weather Service

Richard Strub: Image Analysis -- Raytheon STX Corp.

Tracy Twine: Transfered to the University of Winsconsin

Anthony Young: BORIS System Administrator -- Raytheon STX Corp.

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Last Updated: June 29, 1998